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It was bound to happen eventually, and as far as hacks go it wasn't too bad. It could have been much worse, that's for sure. Basically my main and one of my side accounts was hacked, but all the person took was one pet and two petpets. Thank goodness I caught them quickly or who knows what all they would have taken.


Celestial_Midnight (my faerie grundo) is now in the hands of the thief that stole her, and of course I'm heart broken, but I have reported the user, so I hope he gets iced ASAP. Needless to say I won't be replacing her any time soon; I adopted her from a friend originally and the price of a Faerie PB is way out of my league. As far as my petpets go, a skree and a ukali, pricey for petpets, but I've already replaced them, so I'm not hurting too bad there.


As for the accounts themselves, the hacker didn't even bother changing the e-mail on my main account, so I got it back right away. My side account, TeatroMiVida, has been frozen for now, but I have received e-mail correspondence from TNT, so hopefully I will get it back soon.


Basically I'm just posting to remind to you guys, change your passwords often, don't use dictionary words, and KEEP A LOG OF WHAT WAS ON YOUR ACCOUNT! I'm pretty sure I'm getting my account back, but this all would have gone much faster if I had kept a proper log of what books my pets had read, and what all neofriends I had, stuff like that. I'm telling you it would only take about 15 min max and it would be a magical insurance policy should your account ever be stolen.


I should really start a log on what's on my account. It sucks that you miss the faerie grundo!


I really don't understand why people take other pets. It's so ridiculously easy to find out who stole your pet and that person be frozen lol So it's not really worth it, is it?

Can I ask if you used pins? That's what scares me the most... people discovering your PIN.


Sorry about your account, but at least you were quick enough and know the culprit.


Thanks for the reminder, sorry about your account being hacked. It's just made me remember that I have to record my stocks!


It's true that it's important for you to record everything - every time you make a trade, for example, you should record the lot number, the items and that sort of thing. It really helps when you're struggling to get your account back, otherwise, with no information, you'll seem more like someone trying to get the account.


I'm sorry to hear that you got hacked. When my main was in the process of getting hacked, it took TNT over an hour to freeze it (by that time, the 'cracker' was gone).


Thankfully, when I self-froze my account, I had kept very accurate records of all my stuff, friends, pets, etc. That had made it a LOT easier to get my account back. Hopefully you'll get your account back very quickly. :)


I'm so sorry to hear that someone got into your accounts. I think it's horrible that they took one of your pets. Even though my pets don't really have special paint jobs, I'd still be devestated if they went missing. I really hope you get your account back quickly.

Can I ask if you used pins? That's what scares me the most... people discovering your PIN.


I was using a pin on my account for sure, and if he was able to crack it (which I don't think he was) then he didn't bother to change it or take anything. And I really thought I had pins on my side accounts too, but I guess not or he wouldn't have been able to steal my pet. You can bet I have pinks on my side accounts now though!


TDN is always such a great reminder that there are a lot of good, fun, nice, and quality users out there in Neopia. Thanks for the sympathy everyone, and stay safe out there! I recommend changing your password once a month for sure, and if you have a day where you do a lot of browsing and/or link clicking I strongly recommend you change it then too.


And on a side note: I do not advocate advertising your side accounts on your main ones. I'm not sure how or why, but for some reason this hacker hit two of my accounts in one day, and I just find that kind of a coincidence that might not have happened if he hadn't know what my other account was. I didn't make the amateur mistake of having the same password on all of my accounts, so like I said I'm not really at all sure why he decided to hack two of my accounts at once, but I have a feeling advertising my multiple accounts may have played a part in it.


Sorry to hear about your accounts. You're very lucky that you got them frozen/back so soon. When my main account was stolen a few weeks ago, they changed the e-mail addy and by the time neopets got it frozen and back to me (a week later) they had stolen my almost 5 million neopoints, all of my paintbrushes except the starters, my most valuable neggs, all of my codestones, and had opened my NC freebie goodie bags and some of my capsules, and who knows what else that I haven't discovered yet. I had some gift boxes and they had them out in my inventory along with some of my NC items, so I'm lucky it got frozen before they could steal those. I guess I'm lucky they didn't steal my pets and petpets, but it's still pretty frustrating that they got what they did! I spent 4 years building that up and they cleared it out in a matter of days. I find it very frustrating as well that there's nothing neopets can do to track down the items that were stolen (they had to have been transferred!) and get them back for me. I'm very happy I don't have a premium account. I'd be even more frustrated if I'd PAID for my account and had it hacked and things stolen and then been told "sorry, you're out of luck, nothing we can do to get your stuff back". One thing's for sure, I'm changing my password every week now! I'll be really angry if I build my neopoints up again and have my account hacked again! Well, lesson learned! I'd been using the same password for 4 years.

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