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Has anyone entered the Random Contest?

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Okay, so. I would love any kind of information regarding the random contest. How is it judged, what can you win (besides the avvie), and that jazz. Is there a possibility that you might not even win at all? I'm going to the local craft store tomorrow to pick up the supplies I need to make the dish.


So... feedback, thoughts and prior experience stories - let's hear 'em!

Winners will receive a snazzy avatar, a special item and a Neopoints prize. The prizes may vary from contest to contest.


Your chances to win depends on how many people enter that particular week. If you are not one of the top entry (according to TNT), then you might be one of the hundred runner up. Originaly and quality are things that put you ahead, of course :)


I wish I could enter... We don't do halloween over here so making a halloween dish would make everyone look at you as if you're crazy hehe! :P


I know nothing about the prizes though. I'm still waiting for a contest that works for me :)


I entered ages ago for the first time and managed to pull off the silver trophy :) thats the only time I've ever done it... so its def. possible to win, but also like most contests its possible to lose as well right ...


Usually 3-5, (but sometimes as high as 10) people win gold, silver is usually 6-15, and bronze is the 100 runners up. I believe it depends on a contest to contest basis. (How many entrants, the difficulty on the challenege, and how good the entries are)


I believe its judged on creativity and craftsmanship. :) Good luck in your contest I hope you win!!


(oh also you get a trophy, some np -gold 10,000, silver 5,000, bronze 2,500, the avie, and a prize which changes every contest, the item prize is only given for gold and silver )


oh also, silver and gold get their entry picture posted on the site, where the 100 runners up do not ...


Are the runners up considered to be the "Bronze" winners? Do they all get the avatar too? I've often contemplated entering, but I don't have many arts and crafts skills. If there's ever a science or journal article-based task, I'll be all over it lol.


- Apollo ^_^


pretty sure i mentioned that in my post, they are bronze winners, and they do get the avatar.


you can pretty much find out all you need to know by going http://www.neopets.com/spotlight_subs/random_contest.phtml there. Prizes are shown on the previous winners page.

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