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Like, what on earth is this thing? It looks so silly up there, the site doesn't need such a thing >.<


Im all for companies making money off their sites, but thats kinda stupid up there imo


off to find a way to block it now >.>; lol


Yeah. Everyone is enraged. I found the CSS if someone knows how to use AdBlock to block out specific CSS.





<script type="text/javascript">

function brandMamabarMoreOver(el) { el.className = "brand-mamabar-more-link brand-mamabar-more-link-hover"; }

function brandMamabarMoreOut(el) { el.className = "brand-mamabar-more-link"; }


<div class="brand-mamabar">

<div class="brand-mamabar-wrapper">

<ul class="brand-mamabar-list">


<li><a class="brand-mamabar-active">neopets</a></li>

<li><a href="http://www.petpetpark.com/" target="_blank">petpetpark</a></li>

<li><a href="http://www.nick.com/" target="_blank">nick</a></li>

<li><a href="http://www.addictinggames.com/" target="_blank">addictinggames</a></li>

<li><a href="http://www.shockwave.com/" target="_blank">shockwave</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-more-link" onmouseover="brandMamabarMoreOver(this);" onmouseout="brandMamabarMoreOut(this);">


<a class="brand-mamabar-more-a" href="#"><span>more</span></a>

<div class="brand-mamabar-more-wrapper">

<ul class="brand-mamabar-more-list">

<li class="brand-mamabar-first"><a href="http://www.nickjr.com/" target="_blank">nickjr</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.teenNick.com/" target="_blank">teennick</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.nicktoons.com/" target="_blank">nicktoons</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.nickatnite.com/" target="_blank">nick at nite</a></li>


<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.upickdaily.com/" target="_blank">upick daily</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.parentsconnect.com/" target="_blank">parents connect</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.spongebob.com/" target="_blank">spongebob</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.icarly.com/" target="_blank">Icarly.com</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.troopgrid.com/" target="_blank">troopgrid</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.quizilla.com/" target="_blank">quizilla</a></li>


<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.nickarcade.com/" target="_blank">nick arcade</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.nickjrarcade.com/" target="_blank">nickjr arcade</a></li>

<li class="brand-mamabar-last"><a href="http://www.nickjrboost.com" target="_blank">nickjr boost</a></li>






<img class="brand-mamabar-logo" width="100" height="18" src="https://images.neopets.com/mamabar/logo_nick_mini.jpg" alt="Nickelodeon" />





EDIT: It just disappeared.


yeah apparently even premium users could see it which of course has the premie boards up in arms. i mean people are paying not to have ads. the boards just went wild for like 10/15 minutes. evreyone rioting. wierdest thing though. i couldnt see it. i have no idea why. i switched in and out of portal view trying to see what everyone else was seeing but no white bar for me. i havent the faintest idea why.


There's nothing wrong with that link...


And I didn't even notice the bar until people on the neoboards started complaining. xD


the link is safe to click guys xD; i just upload images onto my work's server *nods*


i saw that around 1am my time i thought it was a new tool bar neopets was testing out... or perhaps a update to the neopets tool bar so the newer versions of firefox could use the tool bar.....


I was at school, but I heard a bit of it about it on twitter, as it had a link to Addicting Games, where not *all* games are child-friendly. :yes:


I have to admit though, it would be handy... xD


lolz. I was so mad when I saw that bar. I was all like, "I DO NOT WANT A LINK TO NICK JR. THANK YOU VERY MUCH" they should let us customize it and put facebook on there and stuff. xP


Yeah, I was like "what the heck is that? ._."


I heard (well, read) on the boards that premium users are being asked to test the bar, at the moment.


edit: looks like it's back. ._.


Ugh. That's so ugly.


... I hate it.


But one thing I do like about it -- it has quick-links to nick.com, petpetpark, shockwave (a game site), addicting games and SPONGEBOB. And iCarly.com. :D Well, when you click a menu from Neo for the last two.


*updates TDN's filter list*


There, all gone. :cigar:


For those of you who followed TDN's ad blocking guide for Firefox, Adblock should start blocking the bar next time it does an automatic filter update. You can also trigger a manual filter update by going to Tools > Adblock Plus Preferences > Filters > Update all subscriptions.


As for the other browsers... well, I'm working on it. ;)

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