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Two Blue Pets UFA


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They definitley aren't the most exciting pets out there but their names are great lol Also! Remember if you don't like blue, everyone received two starter paint brushes when they joined!


If anyone would like Akaeshah, the blue Aisha to adopt for zapping, painting, morphing etc - you can have her. She's 120 days old.


If anyone would like Monteceito, the blue Meerca to adopt for zapping, painting, morphing etc - you can have him. He's 35 days old.




They're awesome pets but I need to clear up some space. Just don't want to chuck them in the pound and have someone not take care of them. Would hate for their names to go to waste.

Not too sure how many offers I'll receive but lemme know! :wub_anim:

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Monteceito is in the pound if anyone wants him.


I just adopted him on my side account. I'm going to zap him with my lab ray. I might even keep him. If not, I'll find someone who's going to be a good owner.

Just thought I'd let you know, since he was your pet. ;)

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ya I dont really like that idea, I think people should always have the option to create their own pets...


theres something special about creating your own pet ... like a sacred bond or something..

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