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Nicest thing you've ever done for a neofriend?


Nicest thing you've ever done for a neofriend?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Nicest thing you've ever done for a neofriend?

    • Donate to their _____ fund
    • Give them your FFQ
    • Gift them
    • Gift them with NC
    • Adopt out your pet to them
    • other

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I was just curious what was the nicest thing you've ever done for a neofriend.


For me, it was donating 7 mil to my real-life friend's draik fund, I finally sold my pirate draik egg, so I had some extra cash


And in order to thank me, she gave me her chocolate cybunny! Which has always been my dreamie! (I've always been scared of zapping my cybunnies)


so it was a win-win situation x)

Just to show that it pays to be nice x)



How about you guys?

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You would be amaze to know that the littlest things make your neofriends really happy. Like voting for their BC entries, sending items they need for a quest or just informing them about the secrets of Neopets.


Anyway, last summer, TDN staff members aised funds to buy a Draik Egg for Anime. I think it's one of the greatest 'expensive' thing I've done.

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I've offered them pets I didn't want anymore, helped them with plots and avies... But they're not really the nicest things ever though. D:

After thinking about it, I haven't really done any totally nice things. >.> If only they didn't quit...


Edit; Hah, epic post count numbar!

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Though she isn't technically my neofriend, I gave a girl I met here on the forums my Christmas Paint Brush because she had a Christmas Wockey (I think) on her dream pets list. Aside from that, I usually aid in plots or donating various items that I personally don't have much use for. It doesn't hurt to be nice.

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Hm, the nicest things I've done are just little everyday things (eg. answer neo questions, help someone out on a faerie quest, ect.). Although I'm planning to zap my pets until I get one that's on the Dream Pet list here at TDN and give it to that person. :)

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You know, its actually hard to remember xD Couple of days ago I picked up a Chocolate Cybunny for a friend who'd been dreaming of one... last year I gave Ashley a Royal PB to paint her Uni... all I do with my lab rays is zap pets to give away, so there's that too I suppose... gifting NC items whenever I have spare boxes... making custom art/lookups/etc for friends...


So hard to say what the "nicest" thing was though, because everyone's different and my friends all value different things.

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Ive given a nerkmid to my friend, adopted out a pet she really liked, helped with quest items... :) it really is the little stuff though.. the day to day small things that count the most



PS ==A PIRATE DRAIK EGG!! OMG ... wow I really really want something that cool!!

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When I was going on hollidays for a couple of weeks, I burrowed a neofriend all my neopoints.

She is a very well known reseller and could double the amount before I came back home. I burrowed her the neopoints because she got Cookie Grabbed and she had no more neopoints left. With my neopoints in her hands, she would be back on her feet in no time..


Unfortunately she got cookie grabbed again and lost all my 10million neopoints. :'(

I'm not whining about this however. It's not her fault. I gave her the neopoints and I knew there was a chance something like this could happen.

I'm just happy she didn't run away with it and refused to talk to me after that. She promised to pay me back soon. Don't know when this will happen, but I'm just glad it will. She's still a good friend of me ;)

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Someone I didn't even know decided to give away 6million neopoints to people he thought deserved it on a board. He gave me 100k,

I was so happy/ surprised he would do that!

he gave 100k to 60 people in worthless trades!

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I gave someone some dubloons for a thankyou. Not much, but hey! Its the little things that matter right?

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Aww, you guys are so generous and nice to your friends~!

The most I've ever donated was 100k to my friend's Lab Ray fund, and then 50k to the Baby PB fund of someone I met in the boards.

What really struck me was when that person paid me 50k back, after she painted her Aisha Baby.


*sings* When you help others, you can't help helping yourself~

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Thats so true, it feels good when you help a friend! :)


--> Ginri, in your post you have .... the curious village (such a good game) and the diabolical box.... the first one is such a good game, I havent played the second yet, is it any good? :)

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