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Okay so we all know that it takes 75 feeds to get the Kadoatery avvie, and by then you've already earned a gold trophy, so why keep feeding them after that? Most kad food is extremely rare and expensive and the ones that aren't are usually fed within the first 10 seconds they are up, so why keep feeding them when you earn nothing from feeding them after the first 75 when the food is so expensive.


I was at the Kadoatery today in hopes of possibly fetching a hungry Kadoatie,I was out of luck so I clicked on some random names to visit the peoples profiles, one person had 5,223 feeds!!!! Another had 1,245 feeds! Can't these people let other people feed them for once and perhaps get a chance at that avvie? Personally, I've only ever got a chance to feed 2, and each item I bought was over 200K! I really think it's time for people to maybe take a step down, I mean, they are no longer getting anything out of feeding the kadoaties, so why do they still do it?


Ah, the Kadoatery :)


One thing you should know is that if Kads are fed so fast, it's because they don't ask for expensive food at all. Some people put a bunch of kad food in their inventory to feed faster, others have a very large invent in their SDB and others like to feed from the (Super) Shop Wizard.


The Kadoatery is a game. There is no reason for people to stop playing it if they like the feeling of feeding Kads. Overfeeders are mostly nice and helpful. They write guides, organise events and help mewbies with their questions.


So in order for you to get the avatar, I'm afraid you will simply have to learn how to... click faster. You may even pwn Cathy, Liz, Ellie or Steve to it. :P


I can't say I overfeed anymore out of pure laziness, but I did. Right now I'm at over 160 feeds. The reason people overfeed is because it's fun and addictive, a part of the game. The kadoatery isn't there just so people can get an avatar, it's there so people can have fun feeding.


If you feed correctly, which isn't that hard when you read a guide, each feed should take less than 10,000, possibly 5,000 if you have a good inventory. I suggest browsing through TDN's guide, especially the links to food lists at the bottom.


If overfeeders all stopped feeding, the avatar would be ridiculously common. Everyone started out at 1 kadoatey fed, and worked there way from there. Shortcuts make the avatar worthless =/ Anyone with a bit of patience can get the avatar; it's not as hard as people make it out to be.



As V pointed out (ninja'd me to the post D: ), most overfeeders will give you tips if you ask. We aren't cold hearted ;P


I have seen some items that are really cheap, some that have even been in my inventory, however it seems like they get snatched up super quick! *Then again, I think I can also blame my stupid lagging computer, again* (: I just think it is sooo amazing *if slightly daunting to us new kad feeders* to see someone with, I don't know, over 7,000 feeds when we can't get even one. *sighs* Maybe I'll get lucky one day and not get a super expensive item as a feed!


Well, just grab an invent, with 1 keyword. (We will take milk as examples).

Then you go to the Time and List thread on the Neoboards and check when is the next main and if there are any minis. When time comes... get ready, paste your keyword (milk) in your browser search engine. (ctrl + f on pc, cmd + f on mac) and it highlights if any item from your invent are asked by the Kads. If not, have already a spot in mind and search the item asked on the SW. And then try to feed.


Also, it's easier to feed in the morning and at night, when most people are asleep or doing RL stuff.


It is kind of addictive, I was so proud of my 2 feeds! :D I need to do more, I've just been so busy, and its really a game of chance, and clicking fast.


Most people don't do the UB( un buyable) Kads, so those stay a long time. The board is ESSENTIAL if you are planning on feeding, (so you know when they restock).

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