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Pet Doesn't Exist

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So, I was talking to my cousin on the phone today, and I was like, hey wanna battle in the battledome? And he was like sure. So I set up the challenge and all, everything's going well until I click "Enter Battledome". Instead of going to the fight, on both our computers, an error message comes up saying, "Error: Oops! - Pet rukipatrick10 doesn't exist!" However, as both my friend and I know, they do exist because we both play Neopets everyday...Any help please? I tried neomailing Neopets, but still no response, and it still doesn't work. Has this happened to anybody before? How do you fix it? Oh, and I can do 1-player battledome alright, that works for me, but whenever I go to challenge somebody else (a real person), it always says that their pet doesn't exist! What the heck!

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Yeah, that's been happening to me of late.

Maybe try letting your cousin set it up instead?


Don't neomail TNT, email them by the report error form... wherever that is.

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Yeah, that's been happening to me of late.

Maybe try letting your cousin set it up instead?


Don't neomail TNT, email them by the report error form... wherever that is.


We've tried that, I set it up once, he set it up once, still didn't work. And I clicked the contact us link at the bottom of the Neopets site.

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i got that message once when i was going to fight some one


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