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Brain Teasers!


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1. HUT



4. PIES (Door order was C-B-A-D)


6. PI

7. A0B2C0D2



And that's all I have. If anyone wants an explaination, I can make some sense of my notes for it.

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We're probably not talking about this right now but i got a brain teaser for you all!!this is it:


I'm in a zoo

But not in a jungle

I rarely come in pairs

But I'm in every puzzle


Some think I'm in a xylophone

But, I most certainly am not

You don't see me with a loan

But very strangely in a zealot


I'm in the magical prison of Azkaban

Well, can't you see?

I'm in the buzz of a fan

But, my oh my what could I be?


Hint:How does xylophone sound like it should start with?

Ill give you an answer after the break. We'll be right back!




try it! what's in a zoo, azkaban, Zealot, puzzle? and what does xylophone sound like?


Mod edit: Please do not double post.

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A hobo had just been kicked off the train by one of the bosses. As he made his way down a dusty side road, he noticed a saffron robed man sitting next to a campfire apparently deep in thought. A wonderful smelling stew was bubbling in a pot next to him. It had been a full day since the hobo's last meal, so he went over to the man and tapped him on the shoulder.


"I see by your robes that you are some kind of holy man," said the hobo.


The Zen Master turned to the hobo and said, "You speak the truth."


The hobo spoke, "I would sure like to try the stew you have on the campfire there; perhaps if I could tell you something to increase your wisdom, you will agree to share your meal."


The Zen Master turned to the hobo and said, "Please, you are welcome to share my meal because you have already increased my wisdom!"


What had the Zen Master learned from the hobo to increase his wisdom?

Noboy has answered it yet. :(

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