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Do I fail?


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I always run into players that are playing less than a year but have all kinds of special pets, trophies, loads of avatars and fed kadeoties like 1927283 times. Then to think of it I didn't even feed one (can't get into it).


http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=lilyed is just an example. They can really get me kind of worried about what I'm doing wrong on my account. Are they so very genious? Would it maybe be a secondary account?


I wonder...

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Maybe they're buying neopoints or something, who knows... What makes me most jealous is the avatar count. For the life of me I can't get those game avvies... A lot of them are probably just extremely dedicated to Neopets, though.

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I think that's just a side account that became a main. They don't even have that many trophies...the ones they do have are easily gained.

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I agree its most likely a new account from an old player. I havent tried to get the game avies yet, because I stink at games.. but maybe if I dedicate myself to them one by one :P lol.


Either way, your account is what you make it! :) if you put effort in, then you'll get a good return! :) theres still tons of random avies that have evaded me.. (wheel of excitement, fountain faerie, wheel of knowledge, gerapitu thingey, treasure hunt game,...) but maybe in time I'll get those!

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lol i've been on for 7 and a half years, and my account looks worthless compared to those people >.>;


I think some people are just either really, really good at games, have nothing better to do with their time, or are doing something that isn't quite legal xD;

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That's defintly the new account of an old player. Perhaps they got frozen for a stupid reason, or maybe they jsut felt like a change.


I don't have tons and tons of trophies, and only around 200 avs, but those aren't my focus. My focus is my pets, and if you look at them this is obvious from their colors and clothes. There's no way to fail at neopets- what you do with your account is up to you, after all.

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Well said Anime :)


I think it depends of what are your interests on Neopets. Some people only like to play games, other like to earn trophies and other only care about their pets. And yet, there are many many other things you can do on Neopets, so it's all about individual preferences.

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Early on, I spent a lot of my Neopets time thinking I was "failing," but it's like V and Anime said, there is no failing so long as your having fun and doing what you enjoy.


If you feel like your working hard and not making any progress, just be patient, your day will come. It just takes a little bit of luck or one generous user to turn things around,

Maybe focus on something else for a while, see what kind of progress you can make doing something new, and then go back to your old goals with a fresh eye and renewed vigor.

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I totally agree!! It depends on what you're going for... for example I would fail at the battledome, but I like to think I have a reasonable avie count, and a super good neohome! :P


Plus it takes very little effort to make your profile look good. There are all kinds of coding and stuff to help! :P


As long as you are happy with your account thats all that really matters!

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I second what Anime said.There is really no such thing as failing on neopets. :P


I bet most good young accounts are just old players with a new account.Maybe they got frozen or something,who knows.But clearly they know how to play so they probably aren't new in the first place. :) I always think that I fail too when I see any awesome account though really. xD

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Oh I guess you guys are right... I enjoy what I do on neopets however(collecting random avatars sometimes and making money..) Thanks for assuring me on this one..

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Different people have different ways of approaching a situation, different strengths. Depending on how much effort you put into neopets, the results of course will be different. We'll never know if these people are simply good at what they do due to their intensity in playing, or perhaps, they could simply be people who have restarted. I am sure the recent scamming left a few victims who lost their accounts permanently (like me), and they may already be very good at what they do, just like how im already very good at restocking.

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Sometimes I get jealous of other peoples accounts, but most of the time Im very proud of my account. Ive already had to restart once (it was devistating, luckily I had a side account) ... so Im jealous when I see plots that I've played in, and how I cant get those avies even though I was a part of that plot. :( (the trophies too...)

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