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Happy Annual Usuki Doll Convention!

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the chocolate usuki looks yummy!!!!! :yes:

the hairbrush looks so cute with the little ears stickin out of it!

usukis are so cool!

its too bad you cant actually use the dolls and clothing sets!

oooh!the bag is kinda cute! for like maybe keeping all ur usuki stuff in it? or maybe a bookbag for school! :D

the marquee is so cute(esp. the plushie usuki)

no offense to quiguki lovers but i dont really like quigukis(although the concept is hilarious!)

and the caption with the fat pirate elephante playin with usukis is soooooo ironic!





For some reason, Usukis are my favourite collectors item. 0-0


I dont really collect any usuki items so if I manage to snag one somehow .. I'll post here and it will be up on the trading post for sure! :P (or maybe auction style lol hmmm)

lol, I didnt even know there was a usuki convention! haha


Heheh, neither did I. xD


I'm not a collector, but I might start trying to get some usuki stuff. =)

I dont really collect any usuki items so if I manage to snag one somehow .. I'll post here and it will be up on the trading post for sure! :P (or maybe auction style lol hmmm)


Yeah, seriously if someone who doesn't want one, or someone manages to grab and extra one, PM or Neomail me, cause I want it.

I'm not a Uski collector, but I'm a collector of stuff that gives you other stuff...if that makes since...like gift bags and mystery capsules


HOw do you get the freebies??? I'm not sure but they mentioned Uskiland??? I'm confused. I want the CHOCOLATE!!! YAHOOOO!!!!! If u know how to get the feebies please advise. I'm a newbie(kinda) so i need lots of help... Thanks!!!


woooo more items to collect for my gallery ^^ i love usuki's so much ^^

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