cloudedsunny Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 A lot of people find that during plots, some parts are unfair due to reasons such as a busy life, schoolwork or very commonly, a slow internet connection. I thought that since neopets does keep an eye on fan/help sites we could try and suggest some ideas for future plots that would help keep things fun and fair for all users! It sure beats just complaining about it! :laughingsmiley: 1. What are some good plot task concepts for people with slow connections? 2. Should all plot points be at regular timed intervals so they can be predictable and completed by everyone? Or do you like the fact that being one of the people who can complete these makes you feel special? 3. What are some of your favourite plot steps from current and previous plots? 4. What are your least favourite steps from current and previous plots?
Jolly Jasper Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 I think that the plots are great fun but a) I'm on neopets ALL THE TIME (which means I miss nearly nothing) and b) I have a fast connection. I can understand how frustrating it must be for kids with slow connections. I think they are sort of trying to make it more fair by not holding it against you if you don't complete the tasks where there is limited participation required (like grave marking, digging, and bone testing), but those who do participate get extra rewards. I think the fact is that most people these days have a fast internet connection, and TNT sort of has to take that into consideration, because it's the biggest chunk of their audience. Like say TNT knew that 85% of their players were boys.. would they make everything on the site pink, girly, and sparkly? Probably not, because they know boys wouldn't like it and they need to serve the majority of their members. I think while they are trying to include EVERYONE in all time zones, and in all computer speeds, they still have to tailor it to their main audience to keep the biggest chunk of people coming back. That being said, I have not participated in any plot before the LDP. That was my first plot, and I started a week before it ended so I didn't get all the way through, but I loved how challenging it was, and since it was so difficult I was that much prouder to get a trophy and know that I accomplished that much. :) Probably my least favorite steps were like the water plant/gears in the last plot. I like the steps as long as there is some logic and a clear way of working through that, and trial and error is boring. OMG this turned out really long! Sorry. -_-'
.Dan. Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 Something that ain't too tedious and repetitive would be nice. I gave up on Altador and the HW plots because of the tiny factors and everything...
Matt Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 For the first question, I think the things they did for the Altador plot were good for people with slow internet connections. But apart from those cogs, that water centre thing and the sun roof thingy. That must have been annoying loading all those images up everytime! Page (Text) ones only. I think time zones play a part in this too. Some people (Like me) missed out on most of the grave digging/marking, as all the Americans got there first. Hrmph. But they should be put into regular intervals in terms of days and not times of day. I know, being a site open to all countries, to include everyone. But there isn't any reason just to include the Americans. <_< Although I didn't partake in this particular plot step, I think the sand moving in the Lost Desert Plot was quite good. I also liked the final sun roof bit of the Altador Plot. Fairly tricky, I thought. I didn't like, whatsoever, was that water works one in the Altador Plot. Grr... took forever! It required logic, patience, a fast internet connection and a lot of time. Apart from a little bit of the first, I don't have any of them, really. :P (AOL. Simple.)
kavonn Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 I agree about the time thing; if I want the sidebar or want to play Deadly Dice I have to stay up till 2 in the morning. There are some advantages to being overseas... The water works made me so mad, that and punch club almost made me quit. Maybe they did that on purpose, to weed out certain players?
Izzy ♥ Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 I like the plot bits that aren't compulsory. That way it doesn't matter if you can't complete them - you can still go on and get some points at least in the final plot tally. There's been lots of complaints about the disadvantage to those with slow speed internet in the grave digging/testing steps but it wasn't a nessasary step to continuing so its sort of a moot point - yes, the people who could do it got neopoints and items but they can be gotten from other games on Neopets that don't require fast internet. As for wanting to participate in the plot... well, digging didn't really require fast internet and collecting ingredients for Sophie certainly didn't. Oh, and for the record, I don't have high speed internet either but I still managed to particiapte in the plot steps, even testing. There is always a way around having slow internet.
Eragon Posted October 31, 2006 Posted October 31, 2006 I gave up on the HW part in the caves, where you have to place the items in the right place. My computer doesn't have a darn taskbar. TNT you rethink that part. I used to have it, but it poofed out of te blue. I haven't found to way to reobtain it.
Izzy ♥ Posted October 31, 2006 Posted October 31, 2006 Eragon, there's a way to do the caves bit without having the taskbar. Someone with this exact problem posted in the HW plot help section and I did up a mini-guide for them with screenies and stuff. If you go through the older topics in that section you might be able to find it, if you want to continue with the plot.
RukarioBomb Posted December 12, 2006 Posted December 12, 2006 Eragon, there's a way to do the caves bit without having the taskbar. Someone with this exact problem posted in the HW plot help section and I did up a mini-guide for them with screenies and stuff. If you go through the older topics in that section you might be able to find it, if you want to continue with the plot. I'm not sure...but i think you're not allowed to work on the HW plot anymore
Radiance Posted December 12, 2006 Posted December 12, 2006 No u cant. So if u didnt finish it then i dont think u get prizes? I dont think u get a trophy either... :S
MagmaMan Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 WAIT, wait, wait!!! I'm confused. How is it that people are talking about the open Altador plot (as of Nov. 2011) when it shows here that the posts are from Oct.-Dec. 2006?!? I'm pretty sure the plot hasn't been open all this time or what's up. :eh: o_O ...thanks :evo: This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Neomysterion) because of a violation of the forum rules. No bumping topics that were left inactive for 3 weeks or more. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Neomysterion if you have any questions regarding this action.
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