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*grumble grumble* fell sick *grumble*


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Funny as it sounds, throughout my neopets experience on my old and new account, my pet has never fallen sick.


So it would seem that TDN has thus decided to bestow upon my poor pet something called Reptillioritus, with a cure that is unbuyable....of all the bad luck to get....


I heard from friends that the healing springs can heal your pet of diseases, is that true? Is there say, a set amount of times on avergae visits before she heals my pet? I know it seems a rather basic question, but i would really like to know.

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I agree! Don't spend money on cures seriously ^^:;


You can either go to the healing springs to get healed, or pray that the wheel of knowledge spin lands on the water faerie. If I am not wrong, there is one for wheel of excitement too... So no need to worry about illnesses ^^

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The Healing Springs is definitely the way to go. Though, I usually find that the Healing Faerie is slow to hand out full curing when you need it the most. be prepared to visit her several times (you can go every half hour) before your pet is cured, but it will happen within a day or two.

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