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To Use or Not To Use?


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Woot! ^^


I'm debating on whether I should sell it or not,


I like collecting avatars, and I still need the 'Alien Aisha' avatar.


But I'm not too good at making 200k fast. x3


Plus, I'm doing a baby custom for a dreamie in August,


So this would save me from being totally broke, I suppose.



What would you do? xD

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most people would say, sell it, but........


what would I do?


I would personally wait til august 1, and then use it to get the avatar and perhaps a shot at the high score tables


but that's just my opinion,

you can always make 200k surprisingly easily

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I'm with Yishie and I'd use it on August 1st.


You have a chance for the trophy, for another nerkmid (to resell) or even a paintbrush (to resell or keep). And you are assured to get the avatar. Not all that bad :P

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You should definatley use it. That's what I did when I got one (from an RE, I might add). I'm very happy with my choice. And the best part was I didn't lose any np. :P

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Just use it. You'll regret it later if you sell it, and when you want the avatar, you'll have to part with 200k. There are some guides that can get you 200k in one day, but it takes a LOT of time.



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Since that is the cheapest nerkmid out there, I'll have to go with use it on 1st aug. You do give yourself a shot at the highscore table and if you don't get anything good from it (like me), you end up with a spiffy avvie! I'm sure you can earn the same amount back in no time. Especially with Neopets releasing new games etc.

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I don't care about avatars, but I don't think I could resist using it...so exciting! ^_^

Of course, usually when I do things like that (scratch expensive scratch cards instead of selling them, etc) I feel like kicking myself for not winning anything. I'd still use it though, just because...what if you win?

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Good luck getting a trophy! :) And congrats in advance on your avatar.

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oo Tell us what you win! I'm contemplating purchasing one for the avatar, but am kinda curious to know what the prize is.


I'm curious as well! Hehe. I'm in midst of getting a nerkmid myself to get the avatar, but I'm a little afraid I might not get good stuffs.


I think Yishie is right. You should use it on the first of August (:

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Well when I used it I got an Earth Faerie and 132 NP. :grrr: But I know some people who have gotten Paint Brushes from it.

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