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Can you put my eggs on the viewing thread please ^_^?


I put my eggs up on my profile on Neopets... You guys are making me think I should take it down xD I will Fight the power :evil:

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It sucks to hear that TNT sent out warnings to people who put the Dragon Cave links on their userlookups.


I would love to put my eggs on my userlookup, but I don't want to have to take them down :sad01_anim:

Can you put my eggs on the viewing thread please ^_^?


I put my eggs up on my profile on Neopets... You guys are making me think I should take it down xD I will Fight the power :evil:


Well, it was decided that we can't edit the first post with all the eggs and image limits, so you have to post ONCE and add them, but edit your post when you get new eggs.

I'll poke Squirrel to edit the first post in this topic.


And, if you want to put them on Neopets, feel free. Egg Cave is still only known around TDN, so not TOO many people will post their eggs, at the moment, but the DCer's were warned because everyone was posting their DC eggs.


PS: Just as I expected, the Viewing Thread was pinned while I was asleep ^_^ Yay!


Has anyone managed to get one of these yet?




I want to find out what they look like when they hatch. :O


Ruto, did you document the time in which you grabbed that egg? And are there any other details AT ALL that could be useful to solving the mytery of that egg?


I guess it was between 2 and 3 p.m NST, and I got two Yeeps and a Sorien before it, but I don't think it's a mystery...


I got one of the new eggs :D, *coughnameditTeddycough*.


Hmmm, so the new ones aren't rare yet they still have the question mark thing. Interesting. o.o


That's just it, they're new. No one has figured out their next stages. And:


Since the original tribes are now extinct, data on newer species have not been gathered.

Oh I haven't posted here yet ^^


So many Yeep eggs @.@


I dont like Yeep eggs when they hatch cuz they look:


- Sad

- Confused

- like beavers and not like MEEPITS!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm guessing it has something to do with views. 3k views, most likely.


Is there any way to control what egg you get?


Ian lowered the requirements and none of my eggs are even close to hatching still.


Oh.. I just checked the site. 2500 views. That's going to take awhile...


I really hope there will be a way for use to choose our own eggs eventually! I want to try to get the whoon egg, but I don't want to be one of those people with mountains of eggs. :I


I got a whoon egg on my first try today =D and then a bunthoff. I want to be the first person to hatch them :D


have too many eggs ryan/super squirrel/kopakashield o_O



I need to get around to feeding my friends every day. You are on there, after all, I'm a part of your 500 beta goal.


I gots a Diablos egg!


But me really wants a Terron. The reason I got the Diablos is because I was experimenting with the Terron egg mystery.


Link, where'd you see an adult Terron? I tried looking through the data banks images stuff but nothing. D:


lmao. I decided to finally try for another egg and it's a Diablos again. Aloysius has a twin sister now~

...The new Iramae egg is so pretty. Did anyone get it yet?

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