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WOOHOO! Finally!


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I was on one of my NQ2 boards on avvie chat and one of the people there neomailed me and asked if I needed Chokato or Meowy and sent them both to me for no collat after I said I needed both. I sent them back and she lent my freind for free as well! I iz happy =D



When another person on my board got lent as well he asked why she lent us for free and she said because of our AC stats. -Hugs gold trophy- I KNEW IT WOULD PAY OFF SOMEDAY! =D

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Congrats on your lends! It's fun when you just happen to find those great lends that you're looking for.

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Congrats! I got lend both of those for free or close to free, so I understand how happy you feel. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

congrats! :graduated: I got lent those myself by very generous lenders! :) ... I still need BGC though, if anyone wants to lend me that would be fabulous! I do have part collateral!

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Sadly, I don't think anybody here lends BGC. If they did, I would've pounced on them a long time ago. xD jking. :P

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Sadly, I don't think anybody here lends BGC. If they did, I would've pounced on them a long time ago. xD jking. :P


New people are added every day, and things change, someone could have bought one at restock... or just finally gotten enough np to get one, or was given it by a friend.. you never know, and it never hurts to ask! :P

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Congrats! I got lent Chokato for 800K (basically next to nothing), and Meowy for free, both from people in my guild. ;)

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