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Neopets on national News

Deepti M.

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lolz. This cracked me up. Go to foxnews.com and on the front page there's a neopets article. Click on the kacheek for more info. If you don't want the link to be a CG, even though it's not, just search foxnews in google, their official site should come up. I find it funny that neopets is on national news, although it's kinda sad about scammers targeting kids to get to their parents. :( Of course, it's on what I call "fake news" I personally hate Fox, but if you don't agree with me, that's fine too. I just wanted to share this all with you.

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This should be the next picture in the caption contest! It's freaking hilarious.

I would pay money to have this picture integrated on to Neopets in some legit way.


I know scammers are a problem and all, but this is just classic American fear culture.

It's pretty much what Fox news does best, in fact it's almost all that they report. NPR Please!

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They are saying that most of them are users between 9-12 even 6 years old...WRONG WRONF BIG RED ALERT FLASHING, belimey, I am sure that most of them are olderSo I am not saying anything about the 9-12 category but the 6 category...THEY PLAY NEOPETS JUNIOR FOR GOODS SAKE!

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{insert laughing to who layed the band here} XD ok thats hillarious lol {refering to the picture}


though you'd think with even though its trumpt up that neopets will be working on better security measures for the site.... this may actually be a good thing sadly IN THE RESPECTS THAT, there security might be getting a upgrade.

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lolz. This cracked me up. Go to foxnews.com and on the front page there's a neopets article. Click on the kacheek for more info. If you don't want the link to be a CG, even though it's not, just search foxnews in google, their official site should come up. I find it funny that neopets is on national news, although it's kinda sad about scammers targeting kids to get to their parents. :( Of course, it's on what I call "fake news" I personally hate Fox, but if you don't agree with me, that's fine too. I just wanted to share this all with you.


This whole situation is so sad. Younger neopians should be able to feel safe. Although those looking at make-your-own paint brush websites kinda have it coming, that's not all we have to worry about :(

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While it does suck, I can't help but think that this whole idea of targeting Neopets is really clever. It's a bunch of unsuspecting little kids (and some older kids too) using their parents computers to play a game that they would never think is unsafe. They should make a movie out of that...

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I know right? That banner cracked me up most. There's this cute little kacheek waving at you, and then all of a sudden there are these huge words besides it, DANGER IN NEOPIA.

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naturally neopets will sweep this under the rug and continue bussness as usual while ""clameing"" there makeing things safer but hey xD long as i dont go on the neoboards or click any suspicious links im 50% safer already.

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As much as think that FOX News is a load of lies and overhyped spin, I'm still glad to see that someone is paying attention to corporate irresponsibility. I'm sure that Viacom really isn't enjoying the bad press right now. Hopefully, this will help fix the problem a bit faster, since TNT is pretty much in denial about these kinds of problems.


And, yes, the Kacheek is AWESOME!

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I'm starting to laugh my head off xD. I'm not saying it's bad but the way they've written it...


Nearly half of players are between the ages of 8 and 12, although some are as young as 6, and they communicate with each other while at play.


What?! Surely more people on Neopets are teenagers?




Also, the Kacheek. Seriously. xD

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im 18 i play neopets im not embarrased to admit it.




And really i highly doubt they actually asked neopets and if they did neopets probably didnt help them. ill bet you the meeting went like this


fox "we need information on your users"


neopets "sorry but no"


{fox goes to there script writer}


fox "we need fake information based on this compleatly false data"


script writer "i can make this information proove the mathmatical existance of eternal life, that the cosmos isnt infinant, that theres life on mars"


fox "just give us fake info for our artial on neopets"


--- comes back to sanity -----


sorry but i seriously bet thats how the conversation went {disclamer small part used above was written in a dilbert comic i mention this for the fact even though i mixed it up a little bit to keep from directly plageriseing them in no way do i own there clip}

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Actually Fox News didn't make this up, but just copypasted some news off the malware blogosphere. As current even the mediocre malware spread with any such attack vector can empty home banking accounts, it was an easy filler. Try searching for "Hackers Target Neopets Users" and read the spywareguide blogs story from a week before the fox piece. Just be sure you don't click on any results NOT coming from spywareguide.com, at some google results matching that already landed to malware sites trolling with new search trends.


BTW funny how some of you thing that everything from Fox is a lie -- they also are reporting that "Massive Blast in Afghanistan Kills 25", so it must be also a lie?

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I wasn't saying it was a lie, I was saying it was an unnecessary scare tactic. Sensationalism and fear control today's new media. Fox isn't the only sorry excuse for a news site pandering to these kinds of ratings spiking news stories, but that doesn't make putting this kind of story on the front page of your site and less lame.


In my opinion these scammers, whilst being a legitimate problem to the neo-community, are probably not anywhere close to the most important news story. Like you said, Massive Blast in Afghanistan Kills 25...that is a headliner. Poorly monitored little kids gets their parents money jacked? Unfortunate and sad, but not at all a big problem on a national level. Maybe now they will pay attention to what their kids are doing on-line. Sorry if that seems insensitive, but it's just how I feel about it. Americans need to stop living in fear of every little thing and take a bit more responsibility.

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edited = yet again


i changed my mind my oppinion might not be the wisest.


i think though that they should try to get a little more detailed information like how many people have been effected or along thoughs lines ya know. refering to the cookie grabbers who have been tricking children.

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It supprised me to see that Neopets is on national news. :ohno:

It's sad to see that people have gone as far as targeting a site with plenty of little kids just to get their parents bank info, it's just pointless to ruin the fun on the website to get adult's stuff.


But the part about that many kids 8 to 12 must be wrong, I've heard of grandmas playing Neopets!

The image of the Kacheek made me lol, you have a happy Kacheek who's 100% happy with the words DANGER IN NEOPIA beside it, it just doesn't fit. :laughingsmiley:

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