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Hello there my name is Jéssica but you can call me Sakura.

I'm a huge fan of neopets and love collecting avatars, so that's why i'm here xD

I hope i can make a lot of friends here and get some cool avatars

Pleased to meet you all and sorry if i wrote something wrong i'm brazilian and my english is not that good

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~*~Welcome Sakura~*~


So here are the ground rules and the standard forum info:

Rules | New Members Guide | Neopets News | Neopets Help | View New Posts

(the view new posts link is also located on the right hand side of the top tool bar)


If you have any questions or comments about absolutely anything, please don't hesitate to PM me.

Stick Around & Stay Active; next thing you know you’ll be addicted like the rest of us.


p.s. I noticed you don’t have forum set would you like me to design one for you? PM me if your interested.

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