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Techo - Cheesy Avatar


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Has anyone got this avatar recently, im starting to think it has been retired!!! Everyday i play cheeseroller and get it in under 60 seconds at least twice on average. I must have got it under 60 20 times. Has anyone got the avatar recently? Can you remember your time and the cheese you used??

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I got this avatar last month. I used Smoked Snorkle Cheese when I got it, but I don't remember time. It took me about half as many tries as you (nine or ten).


Unfortunately, random avatars are very annoying. Some of them really seem to take forever. At least you're not losing neopoints on Cheeseroller. Good luck getting your avvie!

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seems like bilge dice lol. i played over 900 games before i got it. hopefully cheesy is easier than that was

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