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The Ixi and Grarrl have more to say

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So I finished playing a game of YYB today, and I left it on the screen with the Ixi and Grarrl comentators while I checked another site. Then I come back and see this! [All pictures are linked since they're kinda big.]


A Spyder was hanging by the Ixi's head! So I waited to see what else showed up, and there are actually three more things I found. They tell you to go sling slushies, they tell you to go play more Yooyuball, and this one is my personal favorite.

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That last one is a classic, what, about the prize shop and all. :laughingsmiley:


Thanks for sharing these, and now I will try to leave them open when I play a game of YYB.

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I've had those before. I went into another tab, came back, and found the slushie message. xD I've never seen the spyder, though.

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Also after you select your formation and the commentators start talking dont click continue and see what they have to say!


LOL, there are actually two different ones! One tells you not to let your team wait for you and the other is about them complaining about their clothes.


And of course, you can learn little tidbits of the team if you read them, the first about the opposing team and the second about your own.

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