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I think that PetPets should show on your customize screen thing


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I have a droolik that is my favorite petpet, so I would want it to go on my pets screen, like when you look at it, it would be in the background or something rather than just at the bottom when you look at my pet specifically

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  • 2 weeks later...

cool! TNT could make the petpets like wearables or something. but then they would have to convert ALL of the existing petpets into wearables, and that would be troublesome -_-

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That would be cool. o:


But then I would have to buy more expensive petpets!

But, personally, I would want weapons wearable first. *shifty eyes*

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That's an awesome idea. ^_^


Or at least the option

to put a matching background on your petpet. The plain white background on the separate picture underneath is tired, and boring.

Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing.


The petpets are just there.


I think they should make them a bit more interactive atleast. :/

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:cool: I like that idea! :thumbsup:


I also wish that zapped pets could remain in their zapped form when removed... :whistle:

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I think it would also be cool if you could train your petpet to do something other than squeak when spoken to. Maybe a feature like the battledome would come to be, a petpet circus maybe? I know they can fight, but there isn't any action, really except what your petpet supposedly did, im probably daydreaming a little, but it's worth looking into.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That'd be nice, but considering the number of petpets there are- and the fact that you can change them at will, it'll probably be a while until they do something like that.


What DO petpets do, exactly? I've always wondered that.


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