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Alright so I have had it with those impatient people on the trading post! Every time I put up an item I always put 'DO NOTWITHDRAW!' in hopes that maybe they won't.. o_O


I put something up one day ago and someone that had made an offer on it sent me like 5 messages, offered and withdrew two times a piece and I was like.. *SMACK*


Their last message was something along the lines of 'I want to know if you are going to accept or not because I won't let it rot much longer'.




Rot much longer?! It's been like one DAY! Alright alright, done ranting. Still think it's ridiculous though! XD


I once logged in to neopets and the first thing i saw was was a trade offer..and i was like "yeyy maybe i can finally get rid of..."and when i clicked i saw that someone had offered,withdrawn,offered again and withdrawn again...that just amazed me


Yeah, it's annoying. :( I put up a trade for my NT item and I was happy when I saw that someone made an offer on it but then I get the next event: withdrawn.


I'm guessing it's annoying (never had it happen to me before) although I do see how it can be frustrating. When I'm browsing through trades, I see them say withdrawn offers will be blocked. That could be a way to rise against them. ;)


That's only happened to me once because most of the items I've ever put on the TP are HTS. :( That's also why I use the NeoBoards to advertise trades and let the buyer know I'm interested.


The only time I am ever impatient is when I'm doing a Jhudora or Illusen's quest, I neomail the person *I always check to see if they are on first since I only have about 15 minutes* to see if they will accept quickly, and if they can't I withdraw it, but I don't harass them over it. Then again, I've been on the reverse side of this where I am patient and wait, then I wait some more, the next thing I know the person hasn't logged into neopets in two weeks so there trade gets taken down. *grumbles* Thats the life of an avid TP user!!!


I like to think of myself as rarely impatient, except when I'm really hungry or need to answer Nature's Call. :P

In cases like this, I get the feeling the impatient person in question is just doing it to bug me.

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