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The more I think about it, the more I'm starting to believe that my account wasn't actually stolen, but that TNT erroneously froze it for that reason. My password still works, so that hasn't been changed. I can't imagine that someone would steal an account, then not change the password immediately. The "account stolen" theory is starting to seem a little fishy to me. I know I had some fishy things happen lately, but I'm not certain that I was hacked.


By the way, I'm using Opera for Neopets. Most of the games were too boggy in Firefox. Firefox still gets used for everything else, though.


I need to go to work now. I'll have more updates on this later.

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Just remarking on a previous point: there's an inherent security risk incurred when you have a site which people can place their own code on. No matter what measures you put in place, somebody will almost always find a way to place a script of some sort, possibly even an exploit, on that site (unless you place impossibly ridiculous restrictions on that code). The ever-changing nature of internet specifications and differences in the way browsers conform (or don't conform) to those specifications serve to compound the problem.


Basically what I'm saying is that if somebody's found a loophole in TNT's system, TNT isn't necessarily to blame. To be frank, a browser should not give passwords (or even password hashes) to a script under any circumstances, bar the user explicitly saying so of course. Unfortunately, vulnerabilities exist. :(


May I know what browser you were using when you viewed those lookups by the way? If you were using a recent version of Firefox, you've likely found a security bug, and I'd appreciate it if you could point me to some of the lookups so I could poke around and perhaps refer them to the security team. :yes:



Good point. It's true that there's no way TNT can prepare for every possible loophole some bright spark comes up with, and it isn't their fault if someone does find an "in" once in a while. What bothers me is that they tend to categorically deny that such a thing could ever happen at all; to the point that on the rare occasion it does, many people are needlessly affected before they acknowledge it's a problem and do what they can to fix it. I'm not even sure that is what's happening, as I'm hardly a computer expert. :P All I know is that I did not do anything that should have let someone else on my account, yet someone got on it. And I do use the newest version of FF for everything, but unfortunately I have no idea what the lookup was, it was just a random one I browsed almost 3 months ago. :(


@masaryk: There *have* been some awfully strange freezings lately. I lurk the help boards quite a bit and there have been several fairly well-known users there who have been frozen -- not that well-known people don't ever do anything to deserve it, regardless of how innocent they claim to be. :P But still...there've been a couple that really just made no sense; and one in particular who, after multiple inquiries, has had the reason for her account freezing (that shows up when she tries to log in) change two or three times without anyone ever actually telling her what she was supposedly frozen for. So maybe your account was affected by whatever computer blip/untrained monitor/etc. may be going on. On the plus side, some of those wrongfully frozen have gotten their account back, so there's still hope. Good luck getting everything straightened out!

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I sent in a report to find out why I was frozen, and I was told that I was scammed into *voluntarily* giving out my login information to a scam site, and that the scammer had been using my account to try to scam others. At NO POINT, did I EVER give out my login information to ANYBODY. I don't even think that my husband knew which password I was using, and even if he did, he was certainly too intoxicated to type when my account left my hands, and he wouldn't care to steal my account anyway. I really wish that TNT would acknowledge that there are users out there that DO scam people without the victim knowing that they have been scammed.


Also, the email from TNT didn't say whether or not I'd be getting my account back, so I guess I need to fill out the stupid form YET AGAIN! I got a Premium referral last week, and now I'm really wishing I would have accepted on it. I was just waiting to find out if I got my summer job first. :(


heartbr3ak: Thanks for reminding me about the trade. It helped me remember a couple others too.

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Aww. :( On your new account, you can ask for donations. If you get your account back, return the donations. There are kind people out there who will donate.

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If it makes you feel better I have heard many stories about people getting their accounts back after it was frozen for security reasons, you just have to be patient and hope for the best. Good luck and I really hope you get your account back

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Aww. :( On your new account, you can ask for donations. If you get your account back, return the donations. There are kind people out there who will donate.

You know what, Deepti? I don't even really care about my stuff. I had a LOT of items and a lot of neopoints, but I don't even really care about that stuff (aside from a few items I earned from plots). I care about my pets, especially Frostgleam, since she was my original, and I care about my site event trophies and avatars. Those are things are things that I can NEVER earn back with a new account.


I appreciate the offers that people have made for giving me stuff, but I still hope to get my old account back. The thing that would help me the most, right now, would be peoples' suggestions on what I can add to the account access form to help me prove that it IS my account, so that I can get it back.


Besides, with the way TNT has been treating me over this, I may not want to start over if I don't get my account back. Again, it's not about the pain of rebuilding, but about my general feelings toward TNT. :angry:


I don't mean to sound harsh in this post, but I'm very upset right now, and I want everyone here to know that I really appreciate everyone's support. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't even be fighting for my account right now.

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That's about the only section of the form I wasn't able to fill in. Any pets that I've abandoned were ten-minute adoptions for avatars. I didn't even look at names, much less remember them. Thanks for the idea though. Anything that makes me think about aspects of my account that i ususally don't think about helps me. :)

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I didn't mean to sound offensive, I was just trying to help...

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I didn't mean to sound offensive, I was just trying to help...
You didn't sound offensive. Not at all. I appreciate everything that everyone has to say to me (aside from TNT). As I explained, I'm just upset about losing my pets and my accomplishments that I can't redo (because plots have ended, etc.). I wasn't trying to come down on you, or anyone else. I was just explaining how I currently feel about rebuilding.


Thank you very much for offering your support. I know that you know how much it hurts to lose your account. I'm deeply sorry if I offended you, Deepti. :*

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You know what, Deepti? I don't even really care about my stuff. I had a LOT of items and a lot of neopoints, but I don't even really care about that stuff (aside from a few items I earned from plots). I care about my pets, especially Frostgleam, since she was my original, and I care about my site event trophies and avatars. Those are things are things that I can NEVER earn back with a new account.




It was that for me too!

I cried for hours because I wouldn't get back my pets. Especially my starter that I had had for something close to 6 years. Same as one of my cat.


Avatars and trophies can always be rebuilt. Not that a big deal. But a pet... I don't know. We get attached to them even though they are not real. And that's what hurts the most.


As for pets abandonned, tdn pet chains perhaps? I don't know...

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So, after filling out the Account Access form, YET AGAIN, I received basically the same form letter I got from TNT the day before, when I had asked why my account was frozen. Again, no word on whether or not I'll be getting it back, just that they try to return stolen accounts to their creators. I wish they'd tell me if I'm getting it back or not, instead of leaving me to guess.


Will they ever tell me if I'm getting my account back, or do I have to just keep trying to log in every day?

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lolz. I wasn't offended, but I thought I had offended you. :P I'm sorry about your pets. If I lost one of my pets, (I'm getting a cybunny this month) I'd be so mad, I'd probably be breaking this computer. Oh well..I need a new one anyway. :*

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Awe, I'm really sorry :crying_blow:. The only other thing that I think you can try is just straight emailing support. Not using the form or anything, but just emailing them, explaining what happened. I really hope you get your account back, I'd be totally devastated if that happened to me.


Good point. It's true that there's no way TNT can prepare for every possible loophole some bright spark comes up with, and it isn't their fault if someone does find an "in" once in a while. What bothers me is that they tend to categorically deny that such a thing could ever happen at all; to the point that on the rare occasion it does, many people are needlessly affected before they acknowledge it's a problem and do what they can to fix it.


Lol yes that annoys me too...TNT should just admit that their site isn't absolutely immune, because no site is xD.

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I can only give my condolences, i am particularly sorry about your lost pets...i love mine very much too, if they were gone, it would be devastating to me.


Like many others, i offer help to rebuild your account. Aside from pets its the only other thing i can provide.

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