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Hey TDNForumers! This is my 11th giveaway and the theme is 'Snow'. You know what? I live in Florida and I've never touched snow before!

To be enter to win, just post your Neopets username in a reply to this topic. Please make sure that you post at least 7 words in your post; its the forum rules.

Everyone who signs up gets a prize. The giveaway ends on Tuesday, June 9th, 2009. The winner will be chosen by Random.org.


Please check out my other FREE topic:

gfhkgdfklgjkdfjfdkgdfjl.png - Link your Non-Neopet friends so that you can get the codestones XD

-Sign up for CollecToons for THREE FREE codestones: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=14007 *My goal is 300 and I have 281! Only 19 more; yay!!*





Good luck!!!!!!!!!


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I don't understand why you keep giving all of your hard-earned stuff away. I guess you're just a really nice person who hates clutter.


I happen to LOVE snow, and since I haven't touched snow for a whole three weeks, I'll enter. My username is masaryk_the_mad.


Sign me up again. Its neomaniac513 still. There has to be some end to your generosity. How much longer can you really afford to do this stuff?




I really want a Snow Paint Brush! I keep playing Key Quest hoping for one!


But the only Paint Brush I got was Speckled Dx


so, yeah, i'd like to join please :D


my neopets username is kabounce :P


eep. I hope I win :) :)


Thanks for your giveaways. I'm always amazed by your generosity. We got TOO much snow in Winter here in Chicago, BUT I end up missing it in the Summer. :P Anyways, my username is deeptilove Thanks again!


He he, so many snow lovers... I HATE snow, but I would like to sign up anyway because I still want a draik! Hope the fact I'm not another snow lover doesn't disqualify me :evo: Since you encouraged me to try kq, I am getting there faster, but still less than 10% there... Unless they lower the price :S


We don't get any snow where I live in Israel. :sad01_anim:

Although I remember palying with snow when we lived up north in Israel.

Sign me up.

Neopets Username is Sarafina_wolf_7


Well, I guess I'll join once more then! :) Username Khepera666.


As for myself, I live in Sweden. We can have snow anywhere from between October to March!


Super cute snow Aisha!


as always: heartbr3ak




*~*~*~*~*~*~ <---- good luck lol---->*~*~*~*~*~*~


i snowed in when i visited the netherlands once, all trafic came to a halt... trains, planes and sutomobiles... was bad coz my friends that were supose to meet me that came wiht the train was taken back :(


anyway, add me again to this nice give-away

headwarrior is the nick to choose \o/


Being as that I live in the UP of Michigan and we just stopped having snow (no really, we had flurries a few weeks ago :eh: ), I'm ready to be done with RL snow for a while lol. :P But I love Neopets snow, and since one of my sides has a snow-themed gallery I'll definitely sign up for this giveaway. :D Thanks so much, as always, for being so generous!!


Neo username: kaiko_kai


@masaryk_the_mad - I actually love clutter :P Its just that this forum has helped me a lot with my CollecToons referrals so I like to give back.

@Khepera - I noticed that a lot of us are from all over the world! That's pretty cool. ^___^ This is a very diverse forum.

@shadodragonette - I banish you from this giveaway and all future giveaways for disliking snow. :P Just Kidding ;)


Lol, I am going to sign up too. Harry__potter__freak, as you know :P


Jazzy~ Lol, I have touched snow - on my 5th birthday. We made a trip just for my birthday :) It was funny, I don't remember it very well but I do remember the fact that my friends Dad put snow in our drinks and the cake froze xD


Wow. You are extremely nice to do this, especially every week. My username is red_sox_kid_34


Living in New Hampshire, I get tons of snow every winter. Surprisingly I never get sick of it, I only get sick of shoveling.


haha. snow. oh, i see snow all the time in the winter. it gets pretty bad sometimes too. but i still like winter :)

thanks for having this giveaway!


my username is "jcpet2002"

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