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OMG!!! I've had the most awesome Dailies today!

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I cant believe my luck today! I managed to win 20,000np on the buried treasure and 1,000np on the fruit machine! And i thought id also chuck up this... kinda cool and profitable R.E that i got at the wheel of mediocrity before i spun. lol I couldnt believe it. I never get anything good on my dailies.... ever! lol






Just thought id share it with you. Thanks for looking. :D

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Good for you! It's always nice when you have the really good day of dailies. I had one a couple of week ago. My dailies today were rubbish, though.

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Yey! That's great. My best RE was a petpetpet.. but I didn't realise how much it was worth and sold it in my shop! whoops!


I cant believe my luck today! I managed to win 20,000np on the buried treasure and 1,000np on the fruit machine! And i thought id also chuck up this... kinda cool and profitable R.E that i got at the wheel of mediocrity before i spun. lol I couldnt believe it. I never get anything good on my dailies.... ever! lol






Just thought id share it with you. Thanks for looking. :D

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-gasp- Krawk Island rules. That's why I'm on that team. ;) Congrats on the dailies.

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Congratulations! I haven't actually done my dailies yet but hopefully I'll get lucky too! Doubt it though haha. I like whatever neopets theme that is that you are using as well. It looks cool.



I hope you had some good luck too. Its the altador plot constellation theme. you get it by completing the Altador Plot. :D I love it :D

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