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Hi, my name is Ellie, I'm 21 and I've been playing neopets on and off for 5-6 years now! My previous target had always been to get the lab, which now, thanks to some over-inflation on the spotted paintbrush, has been achieved! I went on a couple of sites about statistics on what the lab does, and was slightly disheartened learning that often, loss in levels, or nothing occurs. However, the sites also said, its worth zapping, as over time, the stats will inevitably rise. Chances of species change, unlikely. With this taken into consideration, on the first zap, it ruined my beautiful red xweetok by transforming her into a yellow usul! It cost me 200k to transform her back into a green xweetok, as I couldnt afford the red morphing potion! 2nd zap, i was more careful, zapping my xmas ixi, just in case, but highly doubting another species change. BANG! Green aisha. I couldn't believe it! The lab had now wrecked 2 pets, and there is no way I have enough to buy an ixi morphing potion AND a xmas p/b. So now my poor girl, sorry, as of today, now boy aisha (another lab joke!) has become my lab rat, I shall continue to zap him until he turns into either an avvie pet, or possibly back to an ixi!


So, anyway, I am now attempting to collect avatars!

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Hey there, Ellie! Welcome to TDN forums. :D I'm Tivsy and I hope to see you around soon. :D


Yep, the lab is so nutty that way. That's why I tried to use the pet that I knew, if they changed colour/species, I still wouldn't be all "OMG I have to get that colour/species back!" ^_^

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Hey there, Ellie! Welcome to TDN forums. :D I'm Tivsy and I hope to see you around soon. :D


Yep, the lab is so nutty that way. That's why I tried to use the pet that I knew, if they changed colour/species, I still wouldn't be all "OMG I have to get that colour/species back!" ^_^


Hi, thanks for the welcome, yea, thats why i'm using my green aisha now, I just never presumed for a second that I would get 2 species changes the first 2 times I used the lab! On the upside, I got the pwned lab ray avvie and the magical kauvara one for using the morphing potion lol

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Hello, and welcome to the forums! Have a scone. The Lab Ray is a lot of fun though, so's the Petpet Lab Ray, and that's a lot cheaper too. Hope you like it here!


Thanks :)


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Don't give up!! I started zapping my pet.. I don't even REMEMBER what it was originally, most likely a Jubjub.. Well that pet changed sepcies so many times.. it was unbelievable. About a month ago he was zapped into a glowing Aisha. I was like cool, but eh.. The next day it zapped into an Alien Aisha! That was way too cool and I never ever should have kept zapping.. but.. A week or so later he was zapped into a Ghost Aisha. Ok that was awesome and I really shouldn't have kept zapping AGAIN but like you I thought, "What are the odds?" BAM, for me.. FAERIE AISHA!!!!


I also got a Lutari and zapped it like mad crazy, it turned Disco and is now Rainbow and really pretty! I never ever ever have zapped my Xweetok but she has been painted several colors with paint brushes. :D


Anyway, welcome to TDN! Don't give up!

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Hi there Ellie and welcome to TDN! I'm Lion.


The snack table is to your left, watch your toes around there and don't eat the cookies! You can pick up a scone or Muffin though. ^_^


If you have any more questions, feel free to start a new topic! We're a helpful bunch.


Remember to read the rules and I'll see you around! ♫

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Don't give up!! I started zapping my pet.. I don't even REMEMBER what it was originally, most likely a Jubjub.. Well that pet changed sepcies so many times.. it was unbelievable. About a month ago he was zapped into a glowing Aisha. I was like cool, but eh.. The next day it zapped into an Alien Aisha! That was way too cool and I never ever should have kept zapping.. but.. A week or so later he was zapped into a Ghost Aisha. Ok that was awesome and I really shouldn't have kept zapping AGAIN but like you I thought, "What are the odds?" BAM, for me.. FAERIE AISHA!!!!


I also got a Lutari and zapped it like mad crazy, it turned Disco and is now Rainbow and really pretty! I never ever ever have zapped my Xweetok but she has been painted several colors with paint brushes. :D


Anyway, welcome to TDN! Don't give up!


Lol, if I ever got a lutari, I would stop! As inevitably, it would zap in into something not as good! I was going to paint my xweetok spotted, but when the price of the spotted p/bs over-inflated due to the new spotted lupe, I used it to get the lab. Gonna keep zapping my green aisha till I get something cool anyways.

Thanks for the welcome :)

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Welcome.. :D I hope that you find this forum as helpful and enjoyable as I have. :)


I always adopt a pet out of the pound to use as a lab rat. lol. I never use the pets Im partial too. lol. Congrats on the avies tho


Thanks! I zapped my aisha today, and its no a blue bruce! Cuter I feel than the green aisha!

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