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*rubs eyes* Yes! After playing since November of 2008, I finally finished NQ2.

I got my 10k np, trophy, and something called Mipsys Charm Bracelet.

:D So happy! Now I only have to get caught up on homework...


Well congratulations. It took me forever to beat the game too. Have you beat NQ1 yet? That game i am pretty close but i take super long breaks in between playing.


Woohoo! Congrats! I haven't started playing it yet, I was going to finish the first one but I keep forgetting about it!


I started playing NQ more than a year ago, but it looks like I'll have to start over at some point. I wasn't given the option of resuming my game. :(


One of these days, I'll have have to play through NQ I&II, just for the avatars. Not really looking forward to it, though. :hmmph:


Are you planning to play in Evil and Insane modes now XD


And Masaryk, you need to do at least 1 move a year in NQ1 if you don't want them to erase your game.


Congrats ;)


It takes a while to finish the game, I did it on my old account. It's good when you beat it for the first time.


Congratulations. :D


I worked on one game of NQII for years, until I finally finished it a few weeks ago. xD


oh gosh, congrats, I just finsihed getting the avatar for NeoQuest one and I thought THAT took my a while....after looking up where bionic cybunny and devilpuss are in NQ2...i`m starting to question how much i really want to go for those avatars:P Who am i kidding, i`ll probably start NQ2 really soon and complain about it the whole time :P


well done :)


I finished it ages ago and have been meaning to go back and try it in harder modes but always forget about it :D


wow congratulations! now take a deep breath, and bask in the warm glow of your glow of greatness lol, I haven’t completed NQ2 yet, I'm still trying to do NQ1 I've got the silver trophy for it so now I'm playing for gold, when I get that, then I'll have a go at NQ2


I'm planning on playing NQ 2 on Evil mode this summer...X) But in the meantime, I'm going to try and move along in NQ1. (Is it just me, or is it harder to level up in NQ1?)


Very nice. I soo hate that game since it's really slow.. and laggy.. and pointless and.. if only I could get myself playing for those avatars :P But yea, congratz :D


Congrats!! I finished NQ1 quite some time ago and I don't really want to move on to NQII yet since I worried how time consuming it may take..


Yeah..*sings Cliff Richard`s congratulations song*

I have just starting playing NQ2 ,and even tho it is really boring to play it(but at the same time,a bit fun.Must be the role playing aspect of it i like a bit) i like it because i have a better chance off getting a random event.And those are fun.. :D


Congrats on that achievment!

Now all's you need to do is complete it in like, 8 hours and you can get another trophy!


Personally I'm about a fifth through the game. A pitiful level 14. :/


I played Neoquest 2 pretty well in the first two days of the game, but haven't played ever since. =/ Guess I have to start again if I want the Devilpuss avatar. *sighs at the thought of having to finish the first Neoquest after neoquest 2*


Congratulations! I've finished NQ2 a few weeks ago too. :)

Now I'm planning to also finish NQ1, and play NQ2 in evil mode, but I'm kinda lazy right now :P I think I prefer to play NQ2, it's probably longer but it seems I move faster than in NQ1.




You may now start a new game on the Evil! difficulty level! (Go to the Options menu to do so.)

Good luck!




You receive a Bronze NeoQuest Trophy!


yes..after 3 or 4 extremely boring days, i finished NQ1.Now for NQ2 :whaa:

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