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Live Stream Tonight - May 1!


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The TDN team will again be broadcasting a live stream tonight. We're currently in the process of organizing it a tad better, so it's not just random and stuff and while that can be fun, we want a tad more structure, as some of you requested.


As always, you can find the stream at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/thedailyneopets


We'll be going live promptly at 7 PM NST, we might even start a tad beforehand. :O We'll be using the chat room on ustream, upon entering type /nick *yourname* to change your nickname. If you're prompted to register, then you have to add a few numbers to your name because it's already taken by someone else.


Hope to see everyone there, feel free to use this as before and after chat if you'd like.



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I will most definitely be there tonight ^_^

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I wish I could come, but I forgot that I just finished up Finals Week here and I have made other plans. Good luck to the next live stream, and congratulations in advance to whoever wins the prizes!

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Come join us every one!!

oops, I was off in chat room land and didn't count my words *shifty eyes* sorry!


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You have to sign up Stephanie! You don't have to confirm email address, so don't worry. :)


Winners for my giveaway on the stream:


Heartbr3ak: Speckled Paint Brush

Tsaria_Outsider: Battle Thought Bubble (NC Item)

Xepha: Carnival Jacket and Shirt (BONUS GIVEAWAY!)


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