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Battle Faerie Avatar


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I thought I should probably go for the Battle Faerie avatar next. I could just beat an easy opponent - like Inflatable Balthazar - over and over again, until I get the random event needed? Or is there something more to it? As this avatar is pretty rare (according to AvatarLog), I feel there should be something more to it. But maybe it isn't...? ^_^

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I think a member has asked this question a few months ago.

I'm not sure if I've got this avatar (too young to check through neoboards) but I'm sure that any opponent that you beat would get you closer to the random avvie :)


It may be one of those refreshing avatar ones, but just in a battling form. ;)

Good luck!

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I was wondering about this too. So basically I just have to constantly beat Inflatable Balthazer?

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It took me about 1800 battles to get it, and I was told it could have been much longer...

don't let the boredom kill you if you try. That's my only advice :P

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If only we could refresh on the winning page but thats not possible XD

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Hey just want to ask, I noticed that the Inflatable Balthazar will increase its hp after certain wins, will it become so strong that my pet would not be able to beat since on average you need about thousand wins to get the avi?

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Hey just want to ask, I noticed that the Inflatable Balthazar will increase its hp after certain wins, will it become so strong that my pet would not be able to beat since on average you need about thousand wins to get the avi?


Well his hp might increase but he still doesn't hurt you. So it will just increase the time it takes to kill him if anything.

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  • 1 year later...

Refreshing is now available..although I am still trying to get it :(


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