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Heyy, so I recently got Photoshop 7.0 from a cusion of mine! And I need help, I really want a swirl brush and a few other brushes for it, but I have on idea about

a) Where to find the brush

b) How to download the brush

c) How to then upload it onto Photoshop so I can use it!


So if one of you super smart TDNF members could please help me I would really apreciate it!


Thanks Milli :D


The best place is to just google, or check out DeviantArt which very popular for that sort of thing.


One way to install is by going like this (unzip if needed) Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 7\Presets\Brushes then pasting the .abr file into the folder.


Then you'll have to go to the brushes palette in photoshop. There will be a little arrow in the upper right hand side. Click that. It will open a little tab where you will then click LOAD BRUSHES. From there, it will open up the preset brush folder where you pasted the .abr file, chose it, click OPEN. Ta-da!


Technically to edit heartbr3ak's post, you don't have to move your brushes to the Brush folder. You just have to make sure it is unzipped and then when you do the second part that heartbr3ak said (the load brushes part) you just have to find the folder you downloaded it in.


As for where to find them, I have a few sets on my site which is here:



Also this site is great:


Technically to edit heartbr3ak's post, you don't have to move your brushes to the Brush folder. You just have to make sure it is unzipped and then when you do the second part that heartbr3ak said (the load brushes part) you just have to find the folder you downloaded it in.

Yep! That's another way too. But in all honestly, I don't use either way HAHA . I just double click on the .abr file and it automatically loads lol. I cannot remember if that works in photoshop 7 or not, though.


Hmm, every time I do what you said it says "Can not load because Brush is not compatable with this Virsion of Photoshop"... Now what?


You need to find brushes that were made for older versions of Photoshop I think - most of the new ones are made in the Photoshop CS versions and up these days, though I didn't know that meant they couldn't be used in PS7 lol


I love the brushes from this site. There are loads there too :)


Also a tutorial for installing your brushes: http://www.obsidiandawn.com/installing-pho...s-gimp-tutorial

It says that it works for Photoshop versions from 7 and up, so you should be fine.


Is there any particular reason you are using such an extremely old version of Photoshop? XD I remember using that when I was in high school! :O I am going to be 23 in 2 weeks! I believe it was released 7 years ago. I can understand not being able to afford the newer versions, though. :\


I am using a old version because I lent it from a cousin, so I got it free. And photoshop is more than $1000 here, and that is more than me LAPTOP was so yeah...


And thanks Izzy!

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