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Who Wants To Play Key Quest? Official List


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  • 3 weeks later...

Please add me to the list :)


shechameleon (http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=shechameleon)

Time zone: NST + 9 hrs


I prefer 5 key games, the amount of players doesn't really matter, though you get better prizes with 2 ofcourse ;)


I am on Neopets of and on during most days (which for me is from about midnight NST until 1 or 2 pm) as I work from home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Username: Wartex121

time zone: NST+3

availability: I'm usually on any time of the day.

preference: 5 key 2 player games

Board preference: Don't really have one.


I also would like to try out Open Beta, so if anyone wants to play that, then we can.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I LOVE Neoquest, but hate that most of my opponents drop out. :( I NEVER drop out, but I have been booted out of games occasionally. If that happens, I will send you a neomail and we can play again!

Usually online afternoons, time varies. Feel free to send me a neomail if you want to play.

2 Player/ 5 Key

Central Time Zone

Neopets username- chic_sammy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Username goody_2_shoes_92

Timezone: GMT +1 (I think that's NST +9... timezones confuse me xD)

I play 2 player / 5 key games

I'm in summer at the moment so I'm online at pretty random times but it's for most of the day (seeing as I have nothing else to do)

Board Preference: I like tiki boards but any will do!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Username: bobcat269

Timezone: GMT/NST+7

Board: Don't have any favourites, as have just got into Key Quest

Type: 2 Player/5 Keys


If I could get added to the list that's great, and if you want to play me, just pm me on here, or send me a neomail.


EDIT: Didn't check dates on previous posts, sorry for necrobumping. Just used the link on the other Key Quest link for this thread.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I am 'goldenlupe08' on Neopets.


I'm usually on Neo at like 1pm NST. So if you want to play just Neoomail me. I am saving for a draik, so go easy on me lol! And, I want to get a really nice amount of NP before the game is done, so maybe we could do a lot of minigames and earn loads of NP before we go finish. :) Please go easy on me, i'm not the best KQ player :P



Requirements: Neomail me if you want to play. Go easy on me if possible. At least 5k NP before we finish the game. 5-key only. Again if you wanna go easy on me... eheehe. Oh, and 2-player. Board = Springtime 2 or Neovia. None of the ones where you have to teleport off from your house.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Username: oscuridad2007

Timezone: GMT-5 / NST

Board: Don't have any favourites, in any game.

Type: no matter the number of players as long as it's a 5 keys.


I'm online most of all in the evenings and on weekends and holidays.

Just send me a message and add me to the list.

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  • 2 months later...


username: mystarshine_

time zone: NST +1

preferences: I prefer 2P-5K games, but I'm okay with anything else whether it's NP-driven, or trading off on Gold key wins.

schedule: Don't have a set schedule, but Sundays and Mondays are typically my heaviest play days. Sometimes Wednesdays, and every other weekend. If in doubt, just send me a neomail

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  • 1 month later...

Username: jns91

Timezone: NST +3

I play 2 player, 5 keys. I have no board preference.

I don't really have a set schedule, I generally check up on neo many, many times throughout the day. I also have been known to stay up for 36 hours without sleeping for no real reason at all. :P

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I'm always down for a good game of Key Quest.


Username: kiiyytco

Time Zone: Eastern (GMT -5)

Preference: 5 keys, no specific board


I'm a university student on break, so I'm almost always available.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Neopets Username: intheblue04

Time Zone: EST (NST +3)

Weekly Neopets Schedule:

Available Monday-Thursday from 4PM-10PM EST

Available Friday from 3PM-11:30PM EST

Available Saturday from 8:30AM-12:30AM Sunday EST

Available Sunday from 8:30AM-10PM EST

Please note that these times are always subject to change. School's almost over so I'll be free for most of the summer. :)

Preferences: I don't really care about how many players or how many keys there are.

Other notes: I'm really not all that good with KQ and I want to get back into playing it. Also, if you want to play with me, shoot me a Neomail and I'll work something out. c:

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  • 1 month later...

Username: Misicicle

Time zone: EST

Times: For now random times since it's summer break - just send me a nm whenever to set up a time frame. Or send me a nm saying it's about KQ and NF me so you can see when I'm online xD

Preferred: 2 player, 5 key.

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I'd like to be added. I'm in the Eastern Time Zone (I think it's 3 hours ahead of NST). I don't really have a schedule - I get on when I can. I like 2 player, 5 key games. My username is sparkybet.

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Username: kattyanneanine

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (NST +3)

Play Schedule: Since classes haven't started yet, I'm usually on from 10 AM EST - 3 PM EST. However, starting Wednesday I'll probably only be on from 3 PM EST onwards on weekdays, depending on my workload. Feel free to neofriend me to see when I'm online, or mail me to set up a time.

Other Info: I prefer 2 player, 5 key games on any board.

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