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Hello, I am new.


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Hello, I am new to this website. Anyone want to talk?


Can anyone explain simple basics of this site for me?


Never mind explaining the basics thing. i found some guide thingies.


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First off, welcome to TDN Forums ^^ I'm Alice, or Ali, whichever you prefer.


The forum rules are linked at the top left of the page ;3 It's best to read those before you start chatting around a lot.


All the different areas of the site are outlined in the upper right of the page, such as Customization, NeoAvatars, Battlepedia, and Staff Blog. Guides and other content like that are back at the main section of the site, linked in the upper left ^_^


Hope you enjoy your stay here at TDN =D Beware the insanity that lurks in the corners ....

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Not really. These rules are more lenient than the ones I've seen on other forums. =/ Plus they prevent spam. Nobody likes spam.


Anyway, welcome to the forum, my name's Morgan, and I suppose I don't need to tell you to read the rules now. :P

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They're not that strict. Just don't make a post with swears or inappropriate comments (unless your name is Laura :P), and ummm... oh yeah 7 words. Those are the main things. They aren't that bad when you think about it.


And that whole "Laura" thing... I was kidding about that. Even I am not exempt from the rules... well not yet at least. :P

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^ What do you mean 'not yet' Laura? :P


Anyway, welcome Zazu to TDNForums :D

My name's Stephanie.

Well, reading the rules are the serious side to the forum but once you have that stuck in the back of your mind, we're pretty fun and insane people (:

If you need any help feel free to ask any of our members here or post a topic for us to answer a question ;)


We're also stocked with a snack table and.......cookies :evil: Try to stay away from those though, they're a bit too....poisonous.

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Hi Zazu, and welcome to the forums! First off, spiffy name; I always thought Zs were spiffy. Second off, I'm kinda sick today, so I'd give you a boring welcome, but I'm actually a little hyper, so you might get an interesting welcome! :D Or maybe not. =\ Anyway, they already covered all my guidelines T-T so I don't need to go through those. *sigh* So I guess my welcome is pretty much needless, and my hyperness has worn off. =\


Anyway, I'm Livvy, and I'm normally a lovely cheerful person, just... not when I'm sick. But don't let me give you a bad impression of the forum members or anything; we're actually a very friendly and very insane bunch. (: Well, enough with my depressing welcome. I hope you enjoy the forums!

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