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Ban the person above you!


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Banned because I may have posted too many ban reasons involving cheese in this thread (including this one :P).

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banned because:


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Banned for posting a funny picture with captions. (almost toppled over)

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banned because if i don't post this fast kaito will ninja me :0





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banned because i, as a dutch person, always have cheese... it's a fact... live with it... THROW THE CHEEEEEEEEEESE (ps: if you know where i got that from, i love ya)





banned because i ninja'd you :P

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banned because you'll pay for that later

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banned because the trolololo guy is dead... so feel bad now, haterrr

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Banned because you seem to have forgotten that you would pay

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Banned because I am trying to zap my lab rat into either a Robot Chomby or an 8-Bit Chomby.

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Banned for having your brain in an executable file, and having said file crash










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Banned for getting ninja'd!

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Banned for buying rainbow cotton candy at the abandoned carnival near your high school and not air-mailing me some. :(

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Banned because I prefer gummy worms and gummy bears over cotton candy.

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Banned because I prefer Blow Pops to Tootsie Pops.

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Banned because even though Tootsie pops were kinda gross, I loved that owl. ("One, two-hoo, a-three. *CRUNCH*")

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Banned because how many licks does it to get the center of a Tootsie Pop?

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Banned because I fed your Eggs

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