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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because I have a miniature slinky, and it has provided me with entertainment all day. /simple


Banned because Big slinkys are better than miniature slinkys


Banned for not realizing that slinkys are the greatest things ever. :(


Banned for banning for caring enough about slinkie size to ban about it instead of more worthy and more bannable topics like random and unecessary wordiness that feels like it's never ever going to end. Ever.


Banned for ending your ban and making me feel false hope. :T


Banned for completely confusing me, more power to yah Ruto if you managed to undersand that o.O


Banned because people would take you less seriously if you put this smiley after every post. <_<


Banned because I just ate a giant cookie. <_<


Banned because Noog said less seriously. <_<


Go away, Yahoo.

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