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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because you should probably start a new topic for that sort of thing. :/


Banned because you're probably right... But I don't care! *crowd in the background goes OOooohhh BURNED!*


Banned because there is no real crowd here.


Banned because I doubt they're paying attention to this thread. XD


Banned for selling Cactus Juice!


Banned for supporting this thread.


Banned for dancing upside-down with a pink donkey.


Banned because I love other websites. 8D


Banned for ninja'ing me. D:


Banned because it is a serious job. It pays about $175,000 per year, has medical insurance included and I get weekends and holidays and 76 free days, unlimited sick days, daycare is available for free, there is a recreation center and a full gym. I forgot the fact that my holidays, sick days, and free days are paid!


(Lol it is a joke in RL)


Banned because I wish I had a job like that. :O


Banned because I had to wrestle my boss my boss in a ball pit while dodging ungrateful kids plastic balls that we got thrown at by because we were to tall. It was intense. I won obviously.


Banned because I can't think of a better reason.

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