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Ban the person above you!

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Banned for not posting a lot on Jellyneo.


Banned because, sorry at Seliphira. I'm not saying you specifically are dumb. xD


And I ban tpam for being on both sites. :O


Banned for liking Togetic over Togekiss.


Banned because you have an amazing squirrel in your siggy

@Bex: Banned because it's a christmas dragon and I want it to hurry up and grow-up already *cries* Gratz on your first adult dragon btw


Banned for being consumed by eggcave

@Bex: Banned because you have three adults now actually...time to get new eggs XD


Banned because you want their site to be updated.

@Seliphra banned because you haven't replied that PM.


Banned because nobody's ever reminded me to join. I'm forgetful you know.

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