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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because that cough thing scared me at first. :laughingsmiley:


Do you guys use it that often?


Banned for not being scared of my.... SWINE FLU COUGHS! *cough* *cough*


Banned because I have lots of handkerchiefs in my room. But sadly, all of them haven't been to laundry from years. o_O


Banned because I am typing with my eyes closed.



There! I did it! :laughingsmiley: I did write with my eyes closed. :king:


banned because I tioed thus wutf nt evey ckised

(Banned because I typed this with my eyes closed.

how do toy do ir>

(How do you do it)

O si don'y knpe hpe

(I sure don't know how)


Banned because BP is slowly destroying the ecosystem,


Banned because he said, "BP is slowly destroying the ecosystem." 0:)


Er ... to be honest ... what? o_O


banned because BP is british petroleum and they are the cause of the gulf oil spill

btw, BP loooks like the :P smiley wearing sunglasses


Banned because, yeah, I got it now.


And you are right Tyler, BP seems like the :P smiley wearing sunglasses. Weird ...


Banned because I don't like cheese that much.

It's quite okay.


And :laughingsmiley: what made you think BP is an Altador Cup Team?


Banned Because I don't like all the dairy products. Including milk! :sick01:


BrightPale? :laughingsmiley: Aw, poor Brigtvale. And BirtuePets(BP) sounds awesome too.

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