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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because I like prank calls, but they were doing it wrong. I usually use prank dialer. WAY more epic.


Banned because, I have no idea.

But still it was fun. But the best thing is, I got my cell phone back. yay! :laughingsmiley:


Banned because ... thank you!

It was in my friend's house. I found it on the washroom sink. Can't believe I left it some place like that. :laughingsmiley: My poor cell phone.


Banne because prankdialer is a site where you enter a phone number and choose a prank and it unknown-number prank calls the number. Pranks range from Rick roll, Charlie the unicorn, or even upload your own MP3.


Thanks, I just checked it out. Maybe I should prank call someone. :evil:


banned because I remember when I used to prank call my friends. It was sort of fun, but sometimes I get caught. :laughingsmiley:


Banned because I have great voice disguise, I'm quite the impressionist/comedian...if only I could keep myself from loud laughter midway through the prank


Banned because I really don't pick the call of an unknown number, unless they call me many times.


Prank calls can get annoying, when you are not in a good mood. But over all, they are somewhat funny, even for a boring person like me.


Banned because I really am boring.


See? I don't have anything interesting to ban you about. Boring as always ...


I can assure you that your one of the least boring people I know. Infact, you're probably one of the funnest and funniest people I know if that means anything. smile_anim.gif



Banned because that smiley is nodding.


I am funny? This is the funniest thing I have ever heard. :laughingsmiley:


Banned because if you think I am funny, you should meet my brothers. :whistle:

They are what you call ... um, what was that? Yeah, 'hilarious'.


Banned because they'd have to be if related to you. laughingsmiley.gif


And banned again because they sound too annoying. xD


Banned because they don't sound, they are annoying.


If anyone says that, "I am Anisha's brother", I am giving you an adivice, run away from him. :laughingsmiley:


Banned cause i'll take your word for it and try to avoid going anywhere within 15 miles of your brother. xD


Banned for using an outdated unit system. :P


Banned because, miles? What do you mean out-dated? I suppose kilometers would be more recognizable but still....


Banned for ninja-posting... wait. Taken already.


Banned for agreeing with what I was going to say, and because I haven't banned someone in so long... *nostalgia*


Banned for insisting on supporting an overly complex system.

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