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Ban the person above you!

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Banned for copyright infringement (of your mom this time)!


Banned because I should be given the name of Copy-cat now. :laughingsmiley:


And by the way, I wasn't copying my mom. I was analyzing her, again. -_-


-Staples a peice of paper that says "NEW TITLE: Copy cat" to your forehead.



Banned because, morning everyone. laughingsmiley.gif


Banned for using a stapler to cause pain to a young lady. :P


Banned because... *hides high-powered staple gun behind back*


Banned because ... what are you going to do with it? Staple your School principal? :laughingsmiley:


Well... I wasn't going to before that post. laughingsmiley.gif


Banned because I was thinking about walking around stapling anyone I dislike to the nearest wall...


Banned because ... after hearing this, I am never going to join your school. :laughingsmiley:


Banned because I wouldn't shoot freinds or nice people, so you're definatley safe. laughingsmiley.gif


But seriously, you would so find me at lunch shooting at a row of milk cartons. xDDD


Banned because I definitely hate milk.


But my mom always forces it down my throat. :sick01:


Ha, then I will dedicate the first milk carton I totally destroy to you. xD


Banned because I wonder if they sell these staple guns at Home depo...


Banned because I had to drink milk right now, after having my dinner. That's the reason I was late.


Oh no! My cousins are attacking me now!! :sad01_anim:


Thanks! *takes the bat* :laughingsmiley:


Dont be, because I didn't drink it all. Gave half to my brothers, or I should say 2/3rd. Me = cheater. :rolleyes_anim:


Banned because I want to play YYB now. :O




Nah, I am keeping that for later. :laughingsmiley:


Because you're staying, for a while anyway.


Banned because I have no reason to ban you. (Double negative)


Banned for not having a reason to ban me.


Let me help you.

There are many reasons, like, banned because I just slapped a mosquito behind my neck. <_<


Sorry, wasn't able to think anything else. :laughingsmiley:


Banned because that insect was drinking my blood. :sick01:


Oh no, this reminds me of Vampires. And there's a vampire in our house today ... my brother. :laughingsmiley: Just instead of blood, he sucks my brain.

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