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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because...no...I guess I don't. D: *phears*


Banned because crap, you ninja'd me. It made more sense before with "Banned for having muffin x-ray vision."


Because of course, I AM after all the Queen of Muffins. (And everything pink, cute, and fluffy)


But artichokes are nummy too. I buy cans of them just eat them for breakfast and snacks. Lulz.


Banned for not marveling at the glory of Laura's post.


Banned because you better gimmeh some of that cream cheese.


Banned because we're almost to 200 pages. :O


Banned because psh, please. I'm merely the essence of Insanity (a gaseous form). You can't ban me. In fact, you can't hear me. Since I'm not really talking. Gas can't talk. Therefore, it can't be banned.


So neither can I. You only think you are banning me. Have fun with that. :yes:


Banned because I'm not going to question you. Instead, I'll have you listen to this.

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