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Ban the person above you!


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Banned because...


I found out what your new Neopets Username is.

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Banned because I lurked the Avatar Chat section of the Neoboards for it.

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Banned because I lurked the Avatar Chat section of the Neoboards for it.


Banned because I had a board up for 503 pages! Took me 3 days! Oh and please don't share it... I am trying to keep it quiet.

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Banned because I don't plan on doing it.

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Banned because I have Caroling Meepits on my signature!

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banned for sharing stuff involving meepits, they don't want us to talk 'bout them :/

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banned because they are THEM!!! *ta-da-da-duuuuuuuuum* MWOEHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Banned because you are a really fun man.

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Banned because we have Christmas-themed names!

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Banned because:


Buddy: Who the heck are you?

Gimbel's Santa: What are you talkin' about? I'm Santa Claus.

Buddy: No, you're not.

Gimbel's Santa: Uh, why of course I am! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Buddy: Well, if you're Santa, what song did I sing for you on your birthday this year?

Gimbel's Santa: Um, Happy Birthday of course. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. How old are you son?

Kid with Santa: Four.

Gimbel's Santa: You're a big boy. What's your name?

Kid with Santa: Paul.

Gimbel's Santa: Now what can I get you for Christmas?

Buddy: Don't tell him what you want, he's a liar.

Gimbel's Santa: Let the kid talk.

Buddy: You disgust me! How can you live with yourself?

Gimbel's Santa: Just cool it, Zippy.

Buddy: You sit on a throne of lies.

Gimbel's Santa: Look, I'm not kiddin'.

Buddy: You're a fake.

Gimbel's Santa: I'm a fake?

Buddy: Yes!

Gimbel's Santa: How'd you like to be dead, huh? Ho, ho, just kidding.

Buddy: You stink.

Gimbel's Santa: I think you're gonna have a good Christmas, all right.

Buddy: You smell like beef and cheese, you don't smell like Santa.

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Banned because I spend more time collecting video games and staring at my game collection than actually playing them!

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