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Favorite Songs


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Basically, in this thread you can talk about a favorite song of yours, and you can comment on other people's songs. With any luck, we'll be able to find a bunch of new songs we can steal buy from iTunes or whatever it is that you use.


So I'll get it started. My favorite song would be Look After You by the Fray (but give me a week and it'll change :D).

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I love music way too much to pick a favourite...I'll list the ones that come to mind :) Sorry for the annoyingly long list.


"Your Hand in Mine" by Explosions in the Sky

It's an instrumental song and the guitars in it are haunting. This song was also part of the Friday Night Lights soundtrack.


"Who Did You Think I Was" by John Mayer Trio

I love this man's guitar skills and I think his jazz trio made me break him away from the normal pretty-boy pop stars. I love this song because you can't help but move to it. I think the drum part is a bit boring, but he redeems himself in other JMT songs.


"Fran-Dance" by Miles Davis & John Coltrane

How could you find a better duo than Miles and Coltrane?


"Delerium" by Paul Oakenfold & DJ Tiesto

I'm a sucker for dance music and these are my two favourite mainstream DJ's. This song is just awesome.


"Stacked Actors" by Foo Fighters

I love the Foo Fighters and this song was just amazing, music and all, and particularly because I hate Courtney Love. But that discussion is for another day.


"Make Yourself" by Incubus

Another typical anti-establishment song when you look at the lyrics, but it's so well written and I love this band anyways. This song stands out as one of my favourite "be yourself" songs.


"Stupid Girls" by Pink

I don't prefer Pink's music, but I love this song and music video entirely too much. I think it's great to finally have a song telling girls to stop being superficial idiots and start using their brains :)


"Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin

Do I really need to justify this song? ;)


I'm going to stop right now because I have way too many songs here.

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I always have a new song i like.. Currently my top 5 this week are (and Youtubed Linked)


A very nice song, with a bit of a classic touch to it. Still adds to the

horror feel of the video game, without a scary soundtrack!

Hometown <- (From Silent Hill 3) (Still the top on my itunes)


Could only find a Music Video of this song, No straight upload of it.

I enjoy this song a lot, it reminds me of Biohazard/Resident Evil 4

Because when we first started the game, that was the CD i started

to listen to, and that song just stuck with me~ Very upbeat


EMPTY96 <- (By UVERworld)

Another one with no straight upload (I rather show you the short version from a series I

like rather then the full version from a series i dont (codegeass) But Actually

this video is what got me to like this song. This video was half fan made, so, that's really why

(Fan made meaning some was real clips, some were drawn by a fan artist) Anyways, This song

is really good =w= I use it to think in my blank down times, for ideas, ya know?


Sorry i have my speakers off, and i know its another Music Video thing, but i can tell by time

that this is the song, where are i can not tell for 100% that the concert clips have the right song..

I love this song a lot! It kinda slow in the beginning, but then it gets fast and upbeat

like a lot of the good Jam Project songs


For me, I don't really know too many english songs (I do AQUA, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, a few Misc from friends) But that's about it :/ everything else is Japanese, Korean, and Video game) BUT, i felt it would be a hassle to have stuff like 偶然という名の必然 typed out (a lot of you don't have language packs) so i tried to go for songs on my top list that have English Lettering at the least.

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Way too many songs. Currently though

Stupid Girls by Pink (Seems like AntiGravityAzn and I agree on why this song is good! It's my ringtone! :D )

Overprotected by Britney Spears (So sue me)

Indestructible by Disturbed

Divide by Disturbed

Where is the Lid by Hugh Laurie

Minnie the Moocher by Cab Calloway/Hugh Laurie


Updated with the youtube links to the songs.

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Hmm, at the moment they would have to be:


Lazy Eye : Silversun Pickups

i think this song is so pretty~


Just Dance : Lady GaGa

it just makes me want to dance, lol (:


Kizunairo : Cheico Kawabe

i just love this song, i don't really know why


Chemical King-Twoon : LM.C

favourite song by favourite band <33

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rotcchick: Sweet, I used to have that as my ringtone :) When I first heard that song, I was pretty sure Pink was reading my mind.


jun: I love your siggy...it makes me want a huge bar of chocolate, lol


eun-shil: I have a small list of songs that I consider guilty pleasures and Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" song is definitely on there, lmao

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Well I updated my first post here with the links to the youtube vids for those who can't buy it from itunes or anything like that lol.


@Jun: A lot of people laugh when I mention Overprotected. lol

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  • 1 month later...

I like many songs in that my favorites are las ketchup ,its your birthday,i waan make a bride and many more,,,,



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*cracks knuckles*


Here we go...


Wild At Heart - Gloriana

Prelude 12/21 - AFI

Summer Shudder - AFI

Love Like Winter - AFI

Leave the Lights On - A Kidnap In Color

Hum Hallelujah - Fall Out Boy


There is more, just don't feel like typing them.

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Pretty much anything and everything by Mayday Parade. They are my favorite band....if I had to pick just 1 song by them, I guess I'd go with "When I get home you're so dead"... Oh or "Three cheers for Five Years" Sorry, can't pick just one.


My favorite line from a song is "Well, I'm thinking of the worst things, that I could say to you. But a promise doesn't mean a thing, anymore" from the song "I'd hate to be you when people find out what this song is about"...wow that's a long title :) (haha, guess that's my jaded side....been hurt too many times.) OR "And I got the point that I should leave you alone, But we both know that I'm not that strong" from "Miserable At Best" by Mayday


And despite the titles of some of the songs, don't judge them before you've listened to them. They are an awesome band! <3 I was even lucky enough to see them in concert since they originated in Tallahassee, Florida and I live really close.


Un-Mayday Parade related:

"Everything" by Michael Buble is just one of those songs that makes you happy and feel good.

"The Way I Loved You" by Taylor Swift

"Misery Business" by Paramore

"Valentines Day Tango" by The Twins (although, there are no words to this song, just great music that makes you want to grab someone and tango :))

"Hate (I really don't like you)" and "Natural Disaster" by the plain white tees

"I don't want to be in love" and "Seasons" by Good Charlotte


Katy Perry's cover of "Use Your Love" has been stuck in my head recently as well.


Lets face it, I couldn't pick 'just one' of anything...Sorry my post is super long :rolleyes_anim:

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Mayday Parade! I want their C.D.'s sooo bad.


You know Jason Lancaster, the former singer of Mayday Parade?


He joined a band called Go Radio, and I saw them live. :)


Yeah, Go Radio performed before Mayday Parade at the concert I went to. Everyone was chanting for Jason to go up and sing a song with Mayday Parade, but he didn't. Go Radio is really good too, I've only heard a couple of their songs, but the ones I have heard I've really liked. I'm sad because I was supposed to go to the Warped tour last year with my friends but something came up and I wasn't able to go after all :( I was super jealous that my friends got to go and see them and a bunch of other bands I love. I'm definately going to Warped this year but I have a feeling Mayday Parade isn't going to be there *keeps fingers crossed anyway*. Hopefully they will be playing in Tally again soon :)


I like your list too AFI is another one of my fav bands

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Has anyone listened to Wookiefoot? I seriously cannot describe the music. It is just amazing. It was the best $1.50 me & my sister each ever spent.


Here's the page on their site with some samples


NOTE: when you click on the link to an album's samples, multiple different songs start at once, so you will have to pause some of them to listen to just 1 at a time.


Also, that band is straight up weird.

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I have too many favorite songs. :)

But my top five favorite songs of all time (in order from fifth to first) are Feeling This by blink-182, Hey Jude by the Beatles, No Worries by McFly, Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen, and Blackbird by the Beatles.


Born to Run has to be one of my all-time faves. Tonight Tonight Tonight by Beat Crusaders is one of my top faves. It's from the anime "Bleach", and looking for it on iTunes is in vain. I tried.


My absolute favorites are "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival, "We Will Rock You" by Queen, and "Rock and Roll Night" by KISS.


Chad's Girl


Born to Run has to be one of my all-time faves. Tonight Tonight Tonight by Beat Crusaders is one of my top faves. It's from the anime "Bleach", and looking for it on iTunes is in vain. I tried.


My absolute favorites are "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival, "We Will Rock You" by Queen, and "Rock and Roll Night" by KISS.


Chad's Girl


Rock and Roll All Night. I can't type right now. lol


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