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What color is ETERNITY to you?

Marmite or Vegemite?

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Guest shanemk

Uhh....black then white then black then white and on and on. Cause the universe keeps getting destroyed (no light=we can't pick up on color=we see nothing or blackness. Then white cause its made of the rainbow in light waves so universe 'existing'=white=rainbow=colors.



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Well if we are talking love I suppose I would say red partially because of the stigma and partially because red to me = passion, and in my experience the number one thing long term couples loose is their passion. I mean you can't have a successful long term relationship without having good communication, and trust, and all those other important relationship things...and functioning couples seem to have no problem hanging on to those skills. But in my experience, no couple, no matter how strong, seems to be able to hold on to their passion past about 10 years give or take. So to me the ideal representative of an endless love would be red, signifying a couple that has yet to abandon their passion for one another.


However, if we are just talking eternity in general, and not specifically love related, then I would say black...like space, or a black hole. Black has a finality to it that just can't be argued with. It symbolizes death too which is the ultimate eternity. I'm biased cause black is my favorite color, but I truly believe that if you are looking for a color that decries permanency then black is the one.


p.s. Cute Topic :wub_anim:

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