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Hello all, my name is Mimi! :D I have lurked around, here and there, but I finally joined for real. My name is Mimi and I am 22 years old and a mother to a 5 year old boy named Mason.


Letsee.. I love pandas, the color pink and tea. Oh and CATS, I adore cats. I am going to be a crazy old cat lady someday! Whee!


Hi Mimi! So glad you decided to finally join us! I absolutely ADORE cats, and mum is crazy about pandas. I too am probably going to be that old lady on the corner with 27 cats and 367 hats. Yay!! :P


Be sure to read the rules and such so you and the mods don't get off on the wrong foot. We're a very helpful and friendly bunch (as long as you don't mind a bit of insanity (: ), so feel free to ask any questions. That's what we're here for. :D


OH! I almost forgot to mention! If anyone offers, please don't eat the cookies!


(One of my cats, Silver, says 'gtttrf'.)


Kittehs! :O


I have 3 lovely kittehs. They're very spoiled. :P


Anyways, welcome to the forums. Don't believe anything you hear about the snacks not being poisoned. :shiftyeyes_anim:


Be sure you look over the rules. ;o


Thanks for the welcome! XD I am insane, too! So I suppose I shall get along fine with everyone! Mwuahha!


I have three kitties as well! One older cat named Big Kitty, a cat who is in her "teen" years named Pewter that we believe is pregnant (she was a stray we took in so we weren't sure what was up with her) and a kitten named Kiki. Whee!


Welcome to the forums! (:

My name's Stephanie.

Cats....Good to look at but not nice otherwise :P

You've already got some nice welcomes from some of the members so I'll just get to the important stuff: Read the rules, snack table's to the left- try the cookies if you dare xD and have fun with the 'insanely' friendly people here!

And I'll cya around! ;)


What's this cookie thing I keep hearing about, eh? Hehe


I have read the rules, don't worry! I am very much used to forums so it's no biggie. :3

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