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Hello again all :)


Thanks to all the amazing donations, we've now got a new Zafara Double Agent Plushie for lending! If you would like to borrow this item, make sure you've read the lending rules and then PM TDN Avatar Lending.



Yay for plushies!

We're going to work on getting a new Chokato (TCG) next ^_^ This one is quite a bit more expensive, so don't forget about the donations!


Also, we're looking to get some opinions about whether or not you'd like us to lend a Battledome pet. There are several battle-related avatars that could be obtained, and my own battlepet is stong enough to get them all. If there is enough interest, we will look into creating a pet lending chain for these battling avatars ;) Potential lendees would have to provide their own weapons of course, though we can provide several guides to defeating the required opponents.


Thank you everyone for your support, we are truly amazed at all the generosity you've offered.


Yay congrats!! I'm actually quite interested in the battledome pet lending but it really depends whats the respond to this...


P.S I think you have forgotten to change the goal in the shop ^_^


:woot: Thank you to everyone who made this possible!


The ALP is slowly building up again. This only shows that no hacker can break the bond of TDN members! Thanks again. :king:


really, TDn (and the forums) are getting much stronger each day,....I might even consider giving a donation....


Yay for a new ZDAP :)


Hopefuly Chokato won't inflate too much by the time we can afford it.


battledome would be a nice pet, You could use them for multipul thigns though~ (Like the Jetsam avatar.. the battle dome one and the Eat a petpet one)


Yay ZDAP! Yay ALP! Yay TDN!

*goes and donates more points*


I'm not sure I personally would use the battle dome pet, but I think a lot of users would. I mean if you are spending a lot of money and time collecting avatars chances are you may not have invested the time and money into creating a quality BD pet. I know I didn't invest much of anything in a BD pet. I just got lucky and adopted one. So to me it does seem like something that would certainly gain a good response, and really benefit the community. I mean we lend items that cost a lot less than what it would cost to train up a BD pet...


:O We're coming back up!


I honestly can say I haven't been contributing much to the fund since I'm saving up for something else....

But really, after that I'll be sure to help you guys every goal of the way!


*crosses fingers for Chokato TCG RE XD*


I think the BD pet it an excellent idea, I will certainly be borrowing it if TDN is lending them :)


I think a BD pet is a great idea. There are quite a few guides online on how to defeat each opponent for each avatar so people could take a look at those, buy the correct items and give it a shot. This one- http://www.neopets.com/~Snakanat is very good, so far all have worked for me. You'd only need the pet for one day so lots of people could have a go.


A BD pet's a nice idea, although since weapons are non-transferable, they'd have to be sent seperated or traded. With the items, there might be collat. Especially since one of the avatar BD challengers is the Space Faerie, where I don't think high stats will simply cut it for a victory, and enters the range of the more expensive weapons.


All in all, nice idea, but way too much work to be done, IMO.


I think if people can provide their own weapons it would be alright. Stone Muffins etc. disappear after using them so lending isn't an option. For most of the avatar challengers you can beat them with inexpensive items.


Hmm wait, when you transfer a pet, does it keep any weapons attached? They probably go back to your inventory but if they do stay attached, it's worth a thought...


No, weapons get put back into your inventory when you transfer a pet.


Aside from the Space Faerie, my Bruno is capable of beating most of the avvie battle challengers with just some cheap weapons :) The Meerca Bros you might need some Muffins too but as Madison has said those are one-use so we couldn't lend them anyway lol


For the those who wanted to try tackling the Space Faerie I can point them towards a very good guide, and all you'd need to to was put up some collat on Prickly Potions.


Wow you read my mind on the BD lending pet. That was going to be my next goal after I get on the booktastic book list... I am one book away and have been for quite some time now. So when i complete that i will be helping out with the funding for more idems that will help with avatars since i have recently gotten into collecting them.


My pet could be available for transferring, and I know for sure that it can beat all the avatar opponents :) I could also lend the Dual P-pots it would need to beat Space Faerie (Only if you have Space Faerie ready).


I will train up a pet and donate it to ALP if you want :D I wouldn't mind at all :D


Thanks for the offers of your pets everyone, but I have already mentioned that we do have a Battle pet we could lend. We're mostly after your opinions about whether you'd actually be interested in borrowing a Battle pet ;)

Thanks for the offers of your pets everyone, but I have already mentioned that we do have a Battle pet we could lend. We're mostly after your opinions about whether you'd actually be interested in borrowing a Battle pet ;)

Congrats on the ZDAP Izzy! I'm still dreaming of the time we can get an MSPP (one of the two last avie items I need):D

Keep the donations coming guys!


Yes, I'm interested in borrowing a BD pet. :D


I'd be interested in BD pet lending as well. :yes: It sounds like you guys have everything worked out neatly too.


Also: yay donations! :D


a battle pet sounds perfect! training a pet takes so long, i think many people would appreciate this if it becomes available! :D


Ohh, someday I hope to be able to participate in the avatar lending program (I gotta stick around so you guys know how awesomely nice I am.. hehehe) so I shall donate to help the cause! :D


Okie, I only donated 50k.. Sorry that I couldn't do more. :( I will work on helping some more!

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