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Avatars slowing down a bit...


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Hey guys...


Have you noticed that the releases of avatars have been a bit... slow lately? Neo released like 394873948734 over this summer, but now it's really starting to slow down.


They should keep releasing them... and MAKE THEM HARDER. Well, not so much harder, but more challenging. Like it takes time and such... or maybe they should have 'avatar puzzles.' :P

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I've noticed that a lot of the avatars being released are clickables. I'm not complaining too much about that, being an avie collecter and all, but I would like them to be a little harder. :/

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Yeah, that's true. I have seen that on pet days, they don't release them any more like they did. Laziness, perhaps? They did for Skeith day, that's cool. :)

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No, they've probably released too many pet avatars. Maybe they plan to release 20 new games at the same time to all the member(Premium dosen't get sneak peek) and the avatars, and nobody knows because they're doing everything offline, and just uploding it at one time.

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Well, what about the Chef Bonju Avvie?? Has anyone figured that out?

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No, Keiko, I don't think anyone got it, but half the neopets people made fake screenies of getting it.


And yes, I have noticed....I really hate clickies, cause, what's the fun in them? You just *CLICK!* Poof! Magic! You got an avie!


Where as, if you were collecting it for a LONG time, you get anxious when you're a milimeter away.......


anyway, not much else to say on the matter.....I'm saving up for FQD....

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Someone's going to find a recipe, then find it's not the way to get the avatar. Ha.


I suppose the King Hagan one was a little harder than a clickable. But it was random. Urgh. I. Hate. Random. Avatars.

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It will be difficult to find a recipe, considering all the items that exist in Neopia!


And I guess it's the key to find the avatar, because it says Chef, and that is related to recipes and cooking.

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I suppose they're a bit busy to be working on avatars, with the plot going on and everything.


Regarding the Bonju avvie: might that just have been a clue for the CG plot?


Yep, and Bonju's clothes too, didn't you see in the comics? He was wearing prison clothes = did something wrong. Easy to deduct after, but at the moment of truth, all is meddled up. :S

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Yep, and Bonju's clothes too, didn't you see in the comics? He was wearing prison clothes = did something wrong. Easy to deduct after, but at the moment of truth, all is meddled up. :S


he also had a an account for awhile... chefxxx

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Yea, but they can't release a "clue avatar" and not even clear things up after the plot ended.


You're right - I mean come on, how fair would that be? I bet it'll end up being something really simple and we'll all be kicking ourselves, like "Now, why didn't we get that?" sort of thing...

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Neo is releasing almost any avvie (hate them for not releasing a bori avvie in bori day :grrr:) but they should be pretty easy :P

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