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Project Ideas


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Ok, I need some help here. I have a math project due, and I have to do an activity with everyone in the class. Now, as I hate activities and everything related to them, as well as being utterly uncreative, I need your help. What project should I do that will engage a class of 10th grade students for fifteen minutes on parabolas? It doesn't need to be insanely complicated, simple will be fine.

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I know, lots of help I am.


What's worse is that it's a MATH project!!


*hides under a rock*


*insert light bulb moment*


Maybe hand out straws and get people to build them? Like, sticking one end of the straw into another and making shapes?

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Maybe you could keep it simple. Divide the class into two teams, and then have each send up a representative, and they all take turns. So what you have them do is give them an equation they have to graph, and whichever side graphs it the quickest gets a point. Oh, and no graphing calculators allowed.


Is that what you're looking for?

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Maybe you could keep it simple. Divide the class into two teams, and then have each send up a representative, and they all take turns. So what you have them do is give them an equation they have to graph, and whichever side graphs it the quickest gets a point. Oh, and no graphing calculators allowed.


Is that what you're looking for?


That's sort of what I'm looking for. The only thing is, the teacher says there needs to be a twist to it. Any more ideas?

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How about before the aforementioned representative can solve a problem, they have to reach into a bag and pull out a slip of paper with some silly action that they have to perform, like "Quack like a duck 5 times" or something like that. Or, you could have a bag full of mystery foods that they have to pick out of before they can graph the parabola, and you can put stuff in like baby food.

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If the project was due today then I guess I am to late, and this project would be a little time consuming but:

I was thinking you could bring in a collage with a bunch close up pictures on it, some which are parabolas...

and the people have to find the like 5 parabolas, but the twist is they also have to identify the object that made the parabola.


Like you could crop close up images of a McDonald's arch, the St Louis Arch, a rain drop, a satellite dish, and like half of a basketball hoop.

And then mix those images in with a bunch of other images, so people have to pick which ones are parabolas and then identify the objects.


And then whoever gets the most right wins like a candy bar or something...that's my idea anyway, hope I wasn't too late.

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Thanks for all your ideas. I'm going to go over them one last time and pick one to use. :D


Gah, we're on parabolas too. I have an idea. Show them that a banana is like a parabola and go from there. xD


Or not. Don't listen to me.


Banana... parabola? If you say so. ;)

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