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I am afraid I don't know about other countries so I apologise for that, but I know at least in the UK we're coming up to A level modules and Uni exams (if they weren't lucky enough to have them before Christmas!) and possibly GCSE exams?

So I figured we needed a place to vent our feelings towards them.

I don't know if you have ever walked out of an exam and you really needed to discuss it with someone but all your friends are like "don't talk to me about it!!" well, here is a place you can, vent away!


I'll start. Haven't had any exams yet but they start next tuesday. I should be happy as I only have 5 (one of my modules is a year long so I get the joy of a 3 hour written exam in may instead!) but hmm I can't get into revision. Most are MCQs and although negatively marked I seem to get on well with MCQs but the essay bits.. especially Immunology and Biochemistry (which should be renamed Developmental Biology for all the foetal development is contains!) are really starting to worry me. Everytime I go over the information I just feel like it's washing right over me and I'm not absorbing any of it.


Should be an interesting couple of weeks o_O


Tigra xx


I know what you mean x-x

I'm in the U.S., and my exams start Friday. These are just 100+ questions made by the teachers for our school. We get three or four hours to take them, which is way too long ._.

I'm worried about my Computer Programming and World History ones though. Gah, so many terms and dates to memorize!


I'm in the US, so I don't have that mess, but....


In about 6 weeks, I have a set of finals. I should be able to exempt all of them though.

Standarized testing. @_@ Thanks Fyora that this is the LAST time I'll EVER have to take the supid things!

SAT. I need to get a high enough score to get into the collage I want, and this means studying. >.< Hate studying.


I'm just 12 and all, but NZ where I live, the colleges (high school?) that I live near have different types of exams.

Now I can't empathise your stress but my brother recently had his year 12 exams and it seemed pretty hard-core.

I'm wondering whether I'm going to get through the time and study...


But now and again our school has optional Australasian Exams which I regularly participate in just to see how I'm going academically. Other than that, tests get thrown at us at random times of the year...


Oh I used to know what the Australian to UK conversion was (Assuming NZ is the same as AU?) I think they're 2 years ahead, so your brother's year 12 would have been my year 10? I honestly can't remember though.


I think for all the complaining and moaning I'm probably going to inflict on you all I think my worst exams were my A Levels.

I mean I did terribly in them but that was more for being ill and just not caring!

But no I think they're the hardest as to get into Uni here you need to sit at least 3 and while you can choose those 3 to a degree (ie if the place you're studying at offers the subject you should be able to take it) they still cover so much stuff that you have no interest in and you're purely sitting it just to get your place at Uni. For example I'm on an Animal Science degree, and I had to sit Biology (you'd think good but ah I hate Plants!), Chemistry (I never got on with inorganic) and Physics (... There aren't enough words to describe how much Physics and myself did not get on!) and I think now that I'm sitting the modules I choose to sit, stuff I'm actually interested in, it is easier because you do just take that bit more in during lectures.

.. .. So I guess I'm trying to say it's all worth it in the end?


Tigra xx


Edit: From what brief google-ing I did I now think NZ and UK run parallel school-year wise? I think knowing the ages would make it easier to work out so for UK its:


Year 1: 5-6 years

Year 2: 6-7

Year 3: 7-8

Year 4: 8-9

Year 5: 9-10

Year 6: 10-11

Year 7: 11-12

Year 8: 12-13

Year 9: 13-14

Year 10: 14-15

Year 11: 15-16

Year 12: 16-17

Year 13: 17-18


Year 8 at the moment. I'm 12, turning 13 in April. I'm looking for more maths textbooks. To be honest... I don't take exams. I don't go to school. Been pulled out.


Maths is my favourite subject ^_^

I've been getting some private tutuoring and so far I'm a Year 8 (this year) and doing year 10 maths. I'm shocked at myself. o_O But the schools of course won't let me study at that level XD


So....fluffy minion #9 (lolz) are you saying you're home schooled? Or something of some sort.


Aye. And you can still call me Ultimate Happy Negg or UHN. Or Ruto's Newest Fluffy Minion... I liked school, I just kept getting bullied. It got too far when the bully tried to trip me up on the stairs, and I have been home educated ever since.


Bullying should not be tolerated at any school. Period.


But as long as you're getting a good education its all that matters. ^_^ Btw, congratulations on super member :D


A question to all (almost) uni students: what year do you decide to pick your main subjects that you're going to study?

A question to all (almost) uni students: what year do you decide to pick your main subjects that you're going to study?


Erm if you mean your degree subject it really varies! At the latest by the time you apply to UCAS :P but for the more competitive subjects such as veterinary, medicine, etc. the earlier the better as you can start getting work experience sorted and make it look like you're really dedicated (and it's a great way to make sure you actually want to do it before getting through the 5 years of constant lectures and EMS.


They say to know so you can sit the right GCSEs, and then the right A Levels but at the end of the day if you have the passion you will get your chance. I would say the GCSEs aren't that important as at least all the Universities I looked just wanted 5 A - C grades (do check though as the more competitive ask for more!) but your A Levels are a lot more important as many courses have requirements set for them so maybe about that time would be a good time to start doing a bit of research? But at the end of the day your degree course doesn't dictate your whole future life I know someone on the vet course whose 1st degree was archeology. I know someone with a music something degree whose now a paramedic.


If you happen to have a few careers in mind do try and see if you can get some work experience as it should give you a real idea of what the job is like and it'll make you look organised if you mention that in your personal statement


The best advice I can give you is just enjoy yourself, do the subjects you enjoy the most and it'll all fall into place :yes:


.. I've no idea if I was actually any help? o_O


Tigra xx


Muahahaha! I go to University of Phoenix. Instead of 16 weeks for 3,4, or if you're insane 5 classes at a time. I take one class at a time, but it only lasts for 5 weeks.


I have no exams, no finals, nothing of the sort. So I give luck to all of those who have them!!




Hmmm that's a bit different! Ours is 6 different subjects per semester so 12 a year. Not sure what way I'd prefer. One of my modules is a year long one so I'm lucky enough to only have 5 exams coming up but yeah well how lucky will I be when I fail them all o_O


Ok, slight exaggeration I think I've done enough coursework in each subject that unless I really do fail the exam, and I mean like less than 5%, then I'll have done enough to pass, but it counts towards my final degree now so it's all a bit more daunting. I'm just as prepared as I was last year and I came out at 68% which while that's not great its not bad, I mean that's a 2:1 so the 2nd highest grade you could get, but now it counts I keep thinking I'm going to fail :crying:


Tigra xx


EDIT: Just had my first one and I loved it! 25 questions in an hour so I had done my 1st round by 12 minutes, spent the rest of the time working out how many I could guess and still get a good grade. If I worked it out correctly I will have a minimum 68.3 but I have a possible 20 coming my way so I should get my 1st :D


Tigra xx


I too am from New Zealand and have just gone through exams! I only had 6 however. I passed them all with flying colours! Except for the Information Management (Computer stuff :P ) exam which I can't say I did too well at :P


I just finished some of them.


I hate the tests though, their inefficiently formatted, have formatting errors, improper use of certain words, and all sorts of other things that anger me. Otherwise, I did pretty good ;b




Muahahaha! I go to University of Phoenix. Instead of 16 weeks for 3,4, or if you're insane 5 classes at a time. I take one class at a time, but it only lasts for 5 weeks.


I have no exams, no finals, nothing of the sort. So I give luck to all of those who have them!!



I'm jealous <_<



I was also looking through classes for school next year, they have no computer programming classes (I mean serious stuff like perl and C++, not HTML), but close to eight computer graphics designing classes >:(

Stupid high school, I guess I'm going to have to learn them outside of school.


Oh I'm so glad people have replied so I can rant about mine!!


Well.. there isn't much to say actually. Like my edit said the 1st exam was fine, think I've done pretty well in that module. But Immunology.. I mean my course had a choice of 1 option module, Animal Behaviour (100% exam) or Immunology (30% coursework, 70% exam) and the behaviour module was on a different campus 1st thing monday morning so those factors along with I don't do well with exams I chose Immunology.. and boy am I glad I did!

No one I know thinks they've done well, and these are smart people, who do do good (65%+) so well yeah for them all to think they failed.

Their exam was the day before mine though. And my god I was feeling sooooo nervous. I mean it's the closest I've been physically ill over an exam. So my friend says "put it into perspective, have you ever been this nervous an exam before" and while I know she was trying to help, I was more nervous over this one that the last most nerve wrecking exam, which I passed by 2% (I never do well in exams, but 42% is a new low for me!) and argh that did not help!

But in the end I answered 28 out of 40 MCQ questions and only 5 were guesses to the best of my knowledge which means 22.75 out of 40 for the MCQ part (which is 70% of the exam) and oh my god one of the few topics I had time to revise for the essay questions came up! I could have danced (If I hadn't been sitting down and I would have been told off for disrupting over students) but oh wow I was so happy that question came up.

So yeah I think I've definitely passed the module (only needed just under 16% to pass the module so that's like 20% of the exam, which I should have definitely got) but yay I'm so happy! :woot:


Only 3 to go! (Reproductive Physiology, Mammalian Biochemistry 1 and Endocrinology & Metabolism :crying: )


Tigra xx


Your exams sound far more stressful than mine do! Then again, I'm only in my second year of highschool.

Other than the fact that I failed miserably on one of my exams, I'm pretty grateful for them, considering we get days off if we're not writing our diploma exam.

It sounds exceptionally complicated for you, but I wish you the best of luck! You sound like you've been doing well so far!



*sigh* I'm in the middle of midterm week right now.

Fun fun.


Well, at least I got three done, only three more to fail *groans*


I'm starting midterms this week. I think they're going to be easy, except for science. I thought world history was going to be hard, but the teacher decided to be nice and he gave us the subjects for the short answer questions. So that's some preparation done. :D Science is really going to be hard. Half the exam is on identifying rocks/minerals. I certainly can't do that well. :(


Okay This Is This Weeks.

Monday: ICT, Geography And Maths (No Calculator).

Tuesday: Science (Biology), English #1.

Wednesday (Today): Science (Physics), Maths (Calculator), English #2.

Thursday: History, Languages (German), Design And Technology (Cooking).

Friday: Art #1, Art #2, Music, Drama.


What A Week. :)


:( I wish I was at your school now! I want to do all of those exams! Well... maybe not the Science ones... but the rest, well, I'd really want to do them! I'm the #1 Maths Lover on TDN I think... so my preferred exams would be the maths ones.


I'm having university exams. O_O


Last week, Wednesday was Quantum Mechanics and Electricity

Thursday was Introduction to Philosophy

SATURDAY was Calculus and Mathematical Analysis

Today is Modelling with Differential Equations




I only need to get 40%, but as I have discovered, 40% is not an easy mark to get. O_O

Last week, Wednesday was Quantum Mechanics and Electricity

Thursday was Introduction to Philosophy

SATURDAY was Calculus and Mathematical Analysis

Today is Modelling with Differential Equations

What degree are you taking? o_O


I only need to get 40%, but as I have discovered, 40% is not an easy mark to get. o_O

Not sure if you'll have this but some Unis (or at least mine?) have this thing that if your semester/term average is over 50% then you can actually fail a module without having to resit? I know quite a lot of people used that to pass 1st year.


Since my last post have had 1 more exam, Reproductive Phys and I LOVED it, the best exam by far and if the one I have in half hour is anything like it I'll be very happy. Not sure how I feel about this one, I go from confident to oh-god-I'm-going-to-fail-and-have-to-come-home-early-from-SA-to-resit-arggghhhh feelings so err yeah.. we'll see.


Tigra xx


EDIT: I hate Biochem. I know I've passed the module. But I still hate it. Bottle of wine & family sized packet of crisps curled up in front of the TV are in order tonight I think :(


Our school is cool, cause you don't have to be there all day. If you don't have an exam, you're allowed to head home. Like there are three slots, and if you don't have an exam on the third slot, you can leave after the second. If you don't have one on the first slot, you can come late. If you don't have any at all, you can not show up!


My schedule is Tuesday: English, Chinese, and German

Wednesday: US History

Thursday: Science, Algebra

Friday: DAY OFF :D

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