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Guild Ideas


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Y a know.. this might be in the wrong place, But i think this should count


So i made a guild today, right? I was a bit upset, since a lot of the SH guilds

where never updated. And there is very limited guild in Japanese, so i decided to make a Japanese SH one..


My dilemma is, i don't know how i should decorate it (that and the HTML is a bit on the harder side for me)

But i want to know, what would you recommend?

Silent Hill = SH

Its a horror video game, So i figured for the time being i would keep the theme to red and black.. but still..


The Guild So Far...


Wonderful.. that is all i have so far too XD But i bet it would be real nice to have one

either way, (wait.. didn't you used to have to pay to make a guild? XD)

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Isabel wrote an awesome guild layout tutorial that you can find here : http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/gu...ayout-tutorial/


There's even an image template, so it's meant to be easy to follow :P. (I've tried it to make a guild layout and it worked very well even if I messed with some width.)


It has always been free to create a guild, as far as I remember.


I know nothing about SH and Anime would tell you that I'm not a gamer, which is mostly true :P. So yea, I don't have 'design' ideas for it.

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Isabel wrote an awesome guild layout tutorial that you can find here : http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/gu...ayout-tutorial/


There's even an image template, so it's meant to be easy to follow :P. (I've tried it to make a guild layout and it worked very well even if I messed with some width.)


It has always been free to create a guild, as far as I remember.


I know nothing about SH and Anime would tell you that I'm not a gamer, which is mostly true :P. So yea, I don't have 'design' ideas for it.


U: Wow! i never saw this on the site.. it was hiding!

You know.. i think it might be time to convert you. YES! THATS IT! INTERVENTION FOR YOU!

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U: Wow! i never saw this on the site.. it was hiding!

You know.. i think it might be time to convert you. YES! THATS IT! INTERVENTION FOR YOU!



Glad the page will be helpful for you.


Good luck converting me. I won't give up on my imac and I've no console :P

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U: Youtube


that's all i can say XD My friend wont play the game.. but i force him to at least watch someone else play (like a video walktrhough)



EDIT: Oh if your still reading this.. i noticed somethign wasnt working for some reason.. er.. actually.. a lot of it isnt working for some reason XD

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Hm, I noticed with your layout, it cuts off a part of the navigation menu on the left.




See in that picture it's cut off where I circled it, and you can't click on any of the links. Otherwise, it's a very good picture and layout.


Also, if you're looking for activity ideas, there's always game help and game questionaires you can hold.

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Well as much as I love web design, and graphics....I haven't had much luck with guild design myself...


I tried to create a TDN fan guild. Just a fun for thing that fans without guilds could join to show their support...

and I never could get it too look half decent. I haven't given up yet though! Good luck worth yours!

If you want any help with a particular graphic or something I wouldn't mind taking a shot at...

When it comes to the actual layout though I would probably be useless...guilds just aren't my thing.

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Bah, I dont have mcuh experiance either


Yeah i know the links don't work.. yet XD But the layout isn't going to well either.. the positioning isn't working like it does in the tutorial i was reading @_@ Technically.. it should be level better, the top layout, and the background should be showing too XD Like.. There is supposed to be the top neopet options on there, but the white part got pushed up for some reason, so then i put the -222 to... -21 XD and that worked.. but still... not correctly... Long long long Process




OH MY GOSH (i know what i did >_>) BUT NOW ITS BEATIFUL! I think Ill make it Bilingual!

Because all the good Silent Hill Clubs are Out of Order... er... No longer active XD

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Ya know, i don't know much on the images. I am using imageshack, cause i suppose Neopets blocks Photobucket now or something o_O Cause nothing Photobucket that i have works

But its alright for me...


I am still thinking of content (Bah, i put the site into english.. not too happy about the no updates on the Japanese site)

I fixed the poll... then got rid of it XD Just didn't work for me. But i am much more proud of it now (and the Positions are a butthurt to spell, because they required massive hunting down!)


But i am so happy how it turned out! Even on the message page, which isn't layout protected, the logo (which was an icon i made like a year ago) and theme still work well!)

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Do you know what Sunnyneo's layouts look like? Maybe you can take the coding from one of them and just change the colors of the backgrounds and the images. It'll keep the navigation bar open.

You can check out them here:



Btw, this might seem off topic, but what system is Silent Hill for? And is there an English version?

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Oh Gosh yes! since 1999! There is about 7 games (One was japoanese only, not counting the mobiles or arcade)

The first one was on the PS1 and the recent one (Homecoming) is on Xbox, PC, and PS3.. 2,3,4, and Origins is on the PS2. I highly reccomend Silent Hill 2 and 3 (2 first though <3) Becasue those are usually fan favorites XD



Bah! Now i have this issue with the Align to the left and curve around the image thing. I suppose Float left doesnt work..

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So I have a PS2, an Xbox, and an 360. Which ones can I play on those? Can you give me a list?


Something like this will do:

Silent Hill - PS2

Silent Hill 2 - Xbox


It'd be really helpful. Oh yeah, and a PS2 can play PS1 games.

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Yes Yes XD Well Here is the list


Silent Hill - PS1/PS2 ,- Not too cheap anymore, Japan its about 18 dollars new, USA its about 35 Used on Amazon... Cheaper on ebay maybe?

Silent Hill 2 - PS2, Xbox <- If bought get the one with the Extra in it, Restless Dreams i think it was called for the Xbox

Silent Hill 3 - PS2 <- Sometiems comes with a bonus disc

Silent Hill 4: The Room - PS2 <- This one i would say is the easiest to play next to Silent Hill 2.

Silent Hill Origins <- PS2/PSP <- THe PS2 one has nice graphics for something originally on the PSP. Called Zero in japan.

Silent Hill 5: Homecoming <- Xbox360, PS3 <- It is fun to play on both consels, The most resent one

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Thanks :). I'll be sure to try and get them asap, but I don't know how long it'll take because my parents hate video games. Oh well, I'm sure I can get around them like I usually do :D. I'll PM you when I get the game and all, and if it's good, then maybe I'll join that guild of yours, if you want me as a member that is lol.


It's single player right? I think I'll try to get SH2 first. Is there a storyline that goes throughout all of them? Or is it like Final Fantasy, where there are 12 of them, but they aren't interlinked at all?

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Well, you migth not see a link at first


But go deep in there, you really will find they all link perfectly


(Exsample.. Sh3's Character is connected with SH1 main character, SH2 mentions events in a newpaper and on a tomb that lead up to SH4, SH0 started part of SH1) But anyways.. make sure your parents approve of it too XD Its a bit on the M side.. But the storys are VERY wonderful!

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It's rated M? Oh, that shouldn't be too bad, considering I've already played all three Halos, CoD4, and Fable lol.

Yes, Only because its a horror video game, and has some "scary" moments in it XD But the story = Pure Win!

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So what type of gameplay is it? Like first person shooter or turn based? Or like 3rd person whatever-it's-called?


And as long as it doesn't have anything sexual in it, my parents should be okay with it.

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Hmm not really XD (Though you want to be TECHNICAL.. look up Pyramid Head.. he Technically does suggestive things to this one monster during one part.. but nothing else XD no REAL sexual moments or anything.. but back story's MAYBE.....but nothing .. blah ill say no on this one XD)


But first person.. You see your character though. Unlike Half-life (if you played it) where you don't actually see your character, silent hill, you see the back of them, unless the camera angle shifts.. XD

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That would be third person then, kinda lol. But yeah definitely sounds like an interesting game. I'm definitely going to check that out and buy the game.


But yeah, as long as there's no nudity or anything extreme, my parents won't care.

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Nah.. Non of that XD Just a lot of rusty colored things.


Again... amazing story line!

And if you get real interested in it, There is so much more facts to the games from the japanese books in my room XD

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