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What do you do with your shop?


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I only use mine to sell the stuff I get on key quest, like codestones. My shop can only hold about 50 items.


After hearing some of these tips though, maybe my shop will finally be put to good use!


I use my gallery to store things though.

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I am a restocker and sell most of my stuff from restocking at the Pharmacy, Plushie palace and Chocolate Factory. I usually price them at the lowest price I find,however, sometimes they are not the lowest as I do not use SSW and miss some of them. I am not a maller, just a casual restocker with great prices :)

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Very little, truth to tell! I got sick of the time it took to restock (and check for current prices on the Wiz) so I don't bother much with it.

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any item really.

i always price them at 1k, i've only made 2 exceptions--

once, i put a asparagus powered ray gun in for 10k

and a fruit motif plate for 50k

i use it to make NP, but business is tough now.

i upgrade once in a while :)

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Eh... I just use it to sell things. xD


I used to have Super Shop Wizard, but I quit premium, so now I just attempt to get the general lowest price. It's also in dire need of redecorating.

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my shop is just a place where i sell the things i haven't any need of, i always compare them to the SW prices to make them really cheap because i just want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

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I use mine to sell items I win from the wheel that I don't want, scratchcards (other than race to riches -which i just scratch) ... thats pretty much it, I don't like to do the whole restock thing... not my cup of tea...


(I totally hoard most items in my safety deposit box though lol! I have like 4000+ items stuffed away in there!)

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Restocking is way beyond me to do on neopets... i just use my store for selling my KQ winnings. ikd, but it seems to me restocking takes a lot of time? Maybe if I could play more often, I would do that. :)

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My shop is not very big; only a size 13. I sell everything and anything in it, but when I have a lot of books, I host special book-sale-days. I love these sale days. Books sell like hotcakes! In a couple of weeks I'll sell school supplies, and around the holidays I'll most likely do a winter and Christmas sale event.

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I really don't do a lot with my shop. I have a lot of 1NP items that I stock every two days, and I never take the till, as I consider that another form of saving. Right now I've got a Mazzew in there though that's obviously more. Once I get my SDB packrat, I'll probably pull a lot of things out and put them up for sale.

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I tend to just sell stuff i get at the free jelly and free omelette you can actually make some money. I also send junk and if its there for to long i either donate or just discard of it. I also love to make a shop look awesome.

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