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TDN Christmas Logic Puzzle Discussion


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wow Chagrin, how did you manage that? ^^


I had almost the entire puzzle worked out last night - I had everything worked out to the point where I'd figured out all the items all six pets had except for two which could go either way between two pets. So I needed the clue to work that last bit out, plus of course Taelia's last hint.


Which isn't to say I can't be wrong, because it's definitely possible. A few of the clues were just ambiguous enough to make me wonder, though I tried to cut down on that by contrasting them with other clues for items in the same category, process-of-elimination style. Plus I rushed this morning to be first, so I didn't particularly double-check the work I did late last night, pretty tired after getting home from spending Christmas with my family all day and still having to even find yesterday's scrolls. I don't think any of the new clues outright contradicted what I'd come up with, but there might be a more subtle result I missed if you'd used the latest clues in conjunction with the older ones.


.. and I'm rambling. Sorry.


Anyway, yes. I could definitely be wrong, but I'm fairly confident about it. :)


Edit: I should also add that I got a bit of a jump on finding today's clues because I was anxious waiting for the front page update, so I idly searched a few pages and happened to find the first scroll right away, so I knew that Ian had already hidden or at least was in the process of hiding them - this was about 10-15 minutes before the story went up announcing the last four scrolls.

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I did the same thing as you, Chagrin, with the getting an early start. Even made sure to wake up early for once so I could start searching around 7:15.


I finally got my answer submitted. Don't know if I'm right (or even anywhere near the top 3), but who knows. At least we don't have to strain our eyes looking for scrolls anymore :santa:

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I have a question. Does the prize go to the first person that wins, or is it like neopets Lenny Conundrum, where it is divided up?


First, second, and third place will be receiving a prize pool (i.e. DIVIDED UP) of 500k NP. The rest will be listed as "winners" on TDN, but no NP will be given to them. Sorry! We're not that rich. XD

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Your answer should be in the form of: which of Taelia's items got exchanged for which gifts belonging to who (i.e., Ian's balloon got exchanged for Taelia's ball). There should be six statements, of course, because there were 6 helpers.

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Yay I finally finish the puzzle. I don't think I will be in the top 3 since there are people faster than me and I'm not so confident with the answer but I just want to finish the puzzle so that I can get to sleep haha...

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Ugh, 23! How frustrating!


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